Wakawaka's manga / #Interesting(23)

Hatsukoi Ero Strategy

Ongoing | Tarumi mijinko | 2022 released
2023-10-01 12:57 marked


Age of arrogance

Ongoing | Lemon frog , team comodo | 2022 released
2023-10-04 09:09 marked

Lord of war x crown prince Asha is an icon. She fought in countless of wars in order to defend her motherland. And the king is so ridiculous and ugly and a scum. If i be her, I'll just ignore the government and let them handle the tribe themselves. But his red haired son tho. He's jellyyyy. Like bro, ik you want asha's attention so much but he just too ashamed to confront it. Haha. And he's so sassy and laugh at everything and asha is so oblivious and will be like, "wtf is so funny? I know I'm pathetic" like that. They're so cute i can't wait for more


Ongoing | Yangma | 2000 released
2024-08-12 20:19 marked
Tags: Interesting