I Can See Your Stats!
Exotic Love
WHAT A BEAUTIFUL GARBAGE! WHATTTT I CAN'T CONVINCE ANYONE THAT I ACTUALLY ENJOYED THIS ONE SO HARD IT WAS SO GOOD..why? because of their dynamic, it was such a good combo that you could'nt get enough of. Lets talk about the uke/bottom being so real and the way he talks about his emotions deep down to himself was just so perfect for me as i can now see myself in his shoes. hes so messed up too which i find funny and stupidy frustrating at the same time, on the other hand, the seme tho... that angelic vibe that is actually a demon even more demonic than the uke, they literally fit eachother like a puzzle. Was shock when he said that he doesnt care of what the uke did to ruin him but will suffocate when their 'twisted relationship' ended, he said even if hes married ill make sure to let him divorce her, and the thing where he said that hes not even angry or it doesnt matter anymore that even if the uke did ruin his career by putting drugs on his house, he would've probably regret it if it didn't happen then he wouldn't be able to meet him shocked me to the core of my being.. like wow how messed up is that. Thats why i like them. They're basically just messed up for eachother, its giving 'you were meant to be with me as i am with you' or 'I'm madly crazy in love with you (literally)'
All About Lust
Not for the Faint of Heart
turned out to be wholesome not the kind of ghost story i was looking up to. Cute short story.
Path to You