Yakusoku Siren
A heartrending and heartwarming story about two twins: one who hates everything like himself and one who wishes to keep his promise from long ago. Hehheheheh I wish there was moreeee , this account makes me find the best stories kekrkkrkrkkrjjrkrkrkrkrkrkrjr- just a sweet story about twin brothers
Musubaru Yakeato
The story takes place in 1945, an era when cities and people's hearts are in ruins. There are men who are living with something in their hearts they can't throw away.
I Had A Nightmare
ambiguous /open ending nice short read
The Horizon
i- thats it . this fucked me up good man like the hell the girls death was so unexpected i love this
Kami-sama, Ki-sama O Koroshitai.
I hope our main girl learns how to kill ------ it seems that thw author has died this sorry had so much potential
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