One-Armed Amy
Amy is an ordinary girl who lives with her beloved father. However, she is not human, but a doll made up of cloth and cotton. Why was she created, and what does her future hold? aww damnn amy is just too sweet , a tiny little jem ,
Shen Sheng
Chen Sheng has always been obedient and never once deviated from the course set for him by his family and society. Everything changes when Cheng Mu--a literature professor--comes into his life. By accident, Chen Sheng discovers the young professor's secret. At the same time, the teacher also finds out about Chen Sheng's unique talent. Their lives will never be the same again...+
Back in Time to You
Accidentally broke the wall while moving stuff into a new house, Yeon-Ho found diary of 10-years ago in a hidden garret which recalled him memory he wanted to erase the most, the day his friend Jae-ha died! dammit just looking at the cover is fucking up my feelings !!! god I wish they end up together !!!
The Horizon
i- thats it . this fucked me up good man like the hell the girls death was so unexpected i love this
Goshhhhh I enjoyed reading this - the moment I came into this manga I was shookth by how grotesque it was but I eventually got use to it -- and the boxing scenes man I be living for them to intense and bloody , just my type 10/10
The Cradle of the Sea