One-Armed Amy
Amy is an ordinary girl who lives with her beloved father. However, she is not human, but a doll made up of cloth and cotton. Why was she created, and what does her future hold? aww damnn amy is just too sweet , a tiny little jem ,
Layla’s Great 3 Am Adventure
Lyra, a girl who attends a magical school, has a huge amount of magic but she can't use it. One day, I met one picture book at the Great Magic Library.
Count Over
A mysterious mastermind single-handedly releases 206 of the most dangerous prisoners around the states. When the prisoners rampage New York City, the police helplessly watch as a young boy with a katana appears. His mechanical arm has a countdown from 206; what is his purpose? the best shounen manga I have read so far, shit like this needs more love, my dude.
I Had A Nightmare
ambiguous /open ending nice short read
Hige to Suzu to Shabondama