My Cutie Pie -An Ordinary Boy And His Gorgeous Childhood Friend- 〘Official〙
3 stars -afterstory so bad -story was decent, i enjoyed it except for that b who's translating n always leaving them damn comments holy shit. -i liked the comments but the moment i saw that sailboat scene evem i understand that wasnt right cos in the first place that was so out of nowhere dafuqq - evb hatin on kana but like if u acc fkn read it, he was the only not treating him any diff, it was js nachos fkn insecurity tweaking him out. -angst was decently good like enjoyable but the sex scenes and wtv were ass, full on skipped didnt even look good -i liked the intereactions w nachos and kanas friends, kanas were kinda messed but prbly misunderstood -also nacho pmo soo bad bruh like the whole time i was asking myself if he was special. "Say my please and thank you's" "my mom always tells me im cute" -tbh evb hate to say it but naho needed that humbling bad. -theyre like sad hes got low self esteem but tbsff he has the highest ego abt being cute n all that (in good manner) that obv when u hear sm diff u crash out -it was always gonna happen asp and high schools the best place for it. -
Restart wa Onaka wo Sukasete
5 stars - its hoenstly good - prbly better than the og - more angst filled - there was this one part that seemed kinda out of nowhere but it wasn't bad - made me cry some parts but not genuinely - i still like the borderline smex but doesn't go far scenes
A Basic B's Guide to Stealing a Man’s Heart
4.8 stars -rly good its like that decent slice of life but idk -its been kinda going on for a long time, think it ended alr but this isnt freakin completed bruhhh -liked the relatively smooth change in dynamic tbhh -angsty only in the first arc
BL of The Dead
8 stars -peak doomed yaoi -like i was on my last straw from everythn before ch 5 ish -after ch 5 i crashed out -they upped the anthem im dead -doomed yaoi doomed yaoi doomed yaoi everywhere -ch 5 like its so doomed it gave the same vibe as the oneshot where two ch friends and one killed a person and they were pretending everythings fine by playing games but the police was at their door at the end of the -tragic doomed yaoi -and the one psychological myb ch 2 abt heaven paradise or smt im fucking dead he left everything and ditched his phone in the water after his bsf had a family but the bsf msgd him talking abt till next time -IMDEAD -doomed yaoi final boss
The Best Smell