viewfinder (Ez)
I like the story... I really like heimin and youngwon story...
Let's Make It Seductive
I really like this story... I wish there is more chapternofnthis story
Wish Me Love
I really like the story... I like to read it again really very well portrait gay people problem and how bisexual most of the time pretending to heterosexual... Really beautifully portrait joohyuk and yujin relationship .yijin behavior is not good firstbthan gradually he improve and got character devlopment .. I wish yijin clearly. Accept his bisexuality. Than is like cherry on the cake situation
Boku wa Kimi no Iinari
I really like the story... Yuki and tsukasa pair is really cute and lovely...i wish there are more chapter... Sexy and hot beautiful art
Crash Into Me
I really like this story.. I wanna read it again.. How Can Hyesung endure that kind of abuse such a long time... He really felt he deserve that kind of abuse at first and than he try to escaped but failed.. Jehu is such a evil guy he is perverted bastard nothing more than that he make a excuse of his brother death to Hyesung but I think he is that kind of abuser... I wish Hyesung never gone through that... Seung-Chan come as a light in Hyesung dark life... Hyesung is not in fault his first love death but it's accident.. I think tyehuk such a good guy and he really treated Hyesung with affection that's why he save Hyesung... Jihhuk only make excused for rape Hyesung... I wish there are more chapter of hyesung and seung-chan lovey dovey life
My Housemate
I really like this story... I wish there were more chapter.. Jinwon and gyungha pair is Hella sexy and cute... Jinwon is a Hella sexy and pretty boy... Gyungha is a really mature and hot guy... Extremely beautiful art wow
Room to Room
I really like the story and sleepwalking twist is really interesting... I wish there were more chapter when they are actually in relationship... Down is a super nice and hot and Chamin is really cute and sexy wow sex scene is really nice... Chamin character draw is really cute and adorable
Don't Pick Up the Soap
I really like the story... I like to read again after some time
Bluer than summer
It's really a beautiful story... Rei and Mizuki as a pair is really cute and really portrait their feeling beautifully ... I really like their journey friend to Lover... I wish there were second season... I wanna see more of their life chapter... I wish rei got better and better... Beautiful art.. Cute uke
Boku o Warui Ko ni Shite