Ch 6 - break up
Ch 7 - offer
Ch 8 - sex prep
Ch 9 - sex
Ch 27 - drink party/tattoo
Ch 28 - I'll take him home
Ch 29 - that hand
Ch 30 - hug
Ch 31 - kiss
Ch 32 - kiss/blowjob
Ch 33 - cum
Ch 34 - condom
Ch 35 /a bit risky
Ch 36 - like rabbits
Ch 43 - just business?
Ch 45 - were your feelings sincere?
Ch 47 - Director kang's POV
Ch 51 - when do I get my turn?
Ch 52/53 - Director kang's wet dream
Ch 54 - Director jang's masturbation
Ch 57 - he's so beautiful
Ch 59 - feelings of both of them
Ch 61 - confession kiss
Ch 62 - lets go to your home
Ch 63 - without a condom/as soon as I put it in
Ch 64/65 - let's come together
Ch 67 - marks
Ch 68 - blowjob
Ch 76/77 - car sex
Ch 80 - role play
Ch 84 - I found a person
Ch 85/86- phone sex
Ch 88/89 - I'm back sex
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