The Abandoned Empress
chp67 i love the beautiful art but the storyline is pissing me off. That black hair girl i hate her and the blue hair prince too. Both bitches. People might say the black hair girl is a victim too but how do u explain when she did the sliver girl wrong. There's basically no excuses whatsoever for their actions. I wish all the best with the sliver girl. That vita thing god thing whatever that is, talking bullshit. if u say that black hair girl is the blessed child u should might probs need an operation on ur eyes or sight if u don't have eyes. I'm not happy period.
A Returner's Magic Should Be Special
chp 32 i reli like the story plot and the back story. It reli is interesting and I really want to know what happened and so on. The art everything is beautiful but I don't know how I feel about the couple. sure it is cute but i'm kinda getting mixed feelings about it. I'll read on to see what happens...
La Dolce Vita di Adelaide
chp85 highlights 23 24 - first kiss? i believe 50 - marriage proposal
Sengoku Komachi Kurou Tan!
chp46 chp3 and 6 wolves obtained wolves appear 7,8
Freeter ga Jimini Isekai Teni suru manga
Lady to Queen
chp20 my thought up till chapter 9 is that i really like lizzy and the good people around her but the king and the bitch omg i already don't know what to say. I thought i would continue reading this coz i thought lizzy being the queen is reli badass and i like her as a character...BUTTTT reading all the spoilers OMG I don't know if I should read this or not if all the spoilers of what everybody said is true BITCHHHHH I'm not wasting my tears when i know that's how lizzy's relationship is gonna be. I got no time for a lame weakling king that can't stand up for his queen. From what i have concluded from all the spoilers that weakling is not worthy of lizzy ughhh I really like the art but i guess i should give this up if that's how its gonna be. LN chp59
Tearmoon Empire Story
Red River