HARDCORE4ANIME's manga / #shounen ai(27)

Kiss Me

Complete | Yamakami Riyu | 1999 released

someone moved in. Many things happend n seme fall in love wiv uke. He confessed before moving cz he knew uke hated him since he said things to make him cry idk what i think is uke ex crush which was his cousin. Uke's mother n father r sibling so incest, his father died which is why his mother named him after his father n replaced him. He moved here to get away from everything n his cousin, the female one, came to wiv him n helped him. Den obv seme knew dat she liked uke which is why he seduced the boy n such. Uke told seme everything n opened up to him after uke confessed before seme departed tho he never cz afrer uke confessed they went home n talked how uke didnt know how to express his feelings den obv they had sex

Koibito No Namae

Complete | Yamakami Riyu | 1997 released

uke a detective working with his father in their own agency n there are only them. One of the cases i mean the one in the story is bout a guy wiv multiple personality. Uke fall for both but first to fuck him is the other one which is a badass chara. Uke likes the original kind one but later wiv the fake one. Tbh they r the same person so i cant say is fake. Anyway tnks to uke the 2 (real n 'fake' not fake)sorted things out. N den they became one n started to have both memories. So yh now they live happily

Taiyou no Romance*

Complete | yamakami riyu | 2000 released

uke was a normal high skler, untilll the predators came to eat his heart. Seme wants to eat his heeart but he wants to get to know him. He protect uke from others. Uke lost his friends n fam due to his powers (is inherited) Eventually they both fall in love n get together. There were times where uke felt that seme didnt like his real self, but den seme was like he was watching him 4 a long time. They love each other a lot. They set a journey towards seme's village, seme lost consciousness n his senses vanished. He 'raped' uke cz he wasnt himself, his mind was like a beast.(ig u call it rape tho they alr had sex before) Uke got scared but den after hearing he went to fight the enemies he realized his not acc scared. he flw him n shot a guy who was tryna kill seme from the back. Before they set towards village, the enemy was hospitalized at the same research lab as uke n seme were. As time passed for the enemy he got irritated den the doc (not a doc) said he can go but he gonna flw him. While enemy at hospital, other 2 came to visit, one is cool nerd type (not glasses,nerd cz he knows how much direction egree turn n stuff) the other free type. Nerd likes free(cba to write the names) so he will let Free to get the last sacrifice so uke. Nerd always planned to. In the end he dies, seme killed him. Free also dies in the fight. Uke n seme forever happy. While the doc,researcher or wtv he is wiv the other guy so once an enemy of uke n seme.

Love is your name

Complete | yamakami riyu | 2000 released

Noah is dead n an elien took over his body. Haruto came in this deserted island n found noah. He told him how the world collapsed due to war n such,but since noah was alr dead,the elien told him he isnt noah but noah is dead. He is trying to learn humans over haruto.Eventually they met dis girl,haruto thougth the girl liked him,but that girl like noah.She gave up when she knew he was an alien,so she went wiv the rescue force. The elien,haruto still calls him noah,always saves him.Haruto thinks his nothing but to learn human thngs so he is disposible,but he didnt expect noah to come n save him dis time since the dragon took him n made him a food for the childre.Naoh came n save him.

Tobu, Kokoro

Complete | yamakami riyu | 2000 released

1st- they both have the same ability whichis to think of their love immensely n when they sleep their body goes to the guy they like. They both found out bout eacj other love thought dat,it happend is short mount of time. Main chara saw his crush jerking off n said his name loudly den he went back to his body.After seeing him like dat he also jerked off n said his name,n his crush saw it.Next day ^^ 2nd-main chara doesnt have friends nor got affection n love.He neeeds to keep a rabbit,idk how dats a rabbit cz its a human. Anywaay yh dis n dat,before rabbit went home he got fucked in his dreams i think.N den the owner came which looked like the rabbit. 3rd-lonely,cold,doesnt have friend. He was popular when young but the rumors of his seeing ghosts made him lose frnds.The rmors r true.Anyway when dis sub teacher came things started goign weird,den he finally knows who the teacher n the girl are. Apparently his the bride of the sub teacher,sub is a god not anymore cz they stopped religion or smntg,the girl is a holy spirit. Main chara refused n didnt say yes to his proposal n said i wanna do what i couldnt so next mrng he greeted his auntie,n when a classmate asked for notes he said yes.

Saiaku na Rinjin

Complete | YAMAKAMI Riyu | 2000 released

Uke who is a teacher now had a new neighbor and it turns out to be his enemy,his bully from high skl.He had to endure for 8 years. When he moved in he kept perstering uke like old times.Finally tho it was once,he shouted at seme n said what he thought n seme was like finally..but seme aslo became a teacher. At skl dis kid likes seme n cz seme n uke r close,he started misbehaving at skl.First he doesnt read,work,den he uses his cell,infermery,toilet,skipping classes n eventually almost everyone left the classroom.Uke was liked to the boy to stop but den he couldnt speak cz he just went.Seme obv saw dat. Anyway one day that boy was like 'i sprained my ankle' n he found it strange den when he looked back to see where his computer is,it vanished so he chased after him. He was ike give it back,boy was yh yh sorry,den seme came n was like,u need punshment.He took him at skl (the boy thought punshment as cheeky way) and spanked him. When uke came seme was like 'i wont allow u to do anything to what is mine' smtng like dat.the boy wentwent,uke was like ur not allowed physical punishment n such,seme was like i wont allow blh blh,i like u,n was like ik ur confused n shocked but dont blh blh.Uke didnt know how t face him so he didnt see him n stayed home den he finally went to skl n turns out seme is wiv the principal cz of the physical punsishment n dat his mother came n all dat. When things were turning out bad sicne seme dint have proof,he finally rem his cheerful,easygoing,courageos way to act like a leaver in past n went him n told her the truth.It still didnt help n the boy came n was like stop mum n all dat.Later when they went seme was like tnks for caring n all dat,uke went home when he turned (he was blushing) at home he left the door open.Anyway he ws thinking of his past bout how he hurt a girl at the time cz he ddint know anything,whcih was bout dis girl having 2 fatehr n the girl cried so the other boys were like we dont need a leader like u n sicne den he was a shut in,um,he started to close his feelings,which is why he became a lonely type of gu who doesnt have friends n quiet man.Seme came n uke was like leave,seme saw his face n was ike do u like me.Uke admitted n confessed he liked seme since high skl but he kept bullying him n it hurted so much that he wnated to hate him but yh neh.He treid to seal his feelings more like he didnt realize it.Seme called him wiv a name n was like finally.Seme hd a phone call n he said old man first den he was like yh i will go to dads blh blh.Uke was like wait..old man and dad..den he was like to him, r u the girl.He was like yh,den he uke asked quetion n seme answered.How seme never blamed uke for what he said since it wasnt what he meant or more like he ddint undertsnad at the time.How he recognised him when they met in collage n dat he wanted to tell him to forget bout it,but he couldnt cz uke didnt recognise him.Anwyay they kissed den uke kissed back,seme was liek agrreessive n was like it doesnt look like ur first.Uke was like its ur misunderstanding thinking i didnt.N yh wtv they fuckd. His attitude in skl changed n they boy n seme uke were close more like teachers. Gratuation tey became tall like the boy as well.Anwya uke's ex left him cz he wasn ttoo interested in sex (he had a bf which is why uke blushed when seme handed him dat when he moved in,which is why seme thought he was virgin) Howwever wiv seme his too much that not even seme can keep up,more like uke has too much energy n doesnt get tired in the addition thingy

False Memories (Lee Gpiee)

Complete | Lee Gpiee | 2000 released

Wan has a scar underneath his eye n everyone think his a delinquent so he had no friends.Ha woon jumped on Wan n dat was their first meeting,at class Ha woon talked to him n they became frnds.He went to this place affter skl cz Ha woon told him to,end it turns out they were real delinquents n Ha woon ordered him to punch dis guy who betrayed Ha woon cz that boy worked for his hyung.Ha woon never treated him as friends,n one day Ha woon had to stay over Wan house cz Ha woon saw his hyung n others waiting 4 him.But den he left at midnight cz of Wan n how he said Ha woon is kind.Ha woon was pissed n called his close friend not rly just a helper n asked for his info,next day everyone boys started bullying Wan cz Ha woon told them bout his past,how he is wear a loser n how he got bullied,loner n never had friends,n how he came here n such.Wan tried to talk wiv himm n someone from behind hit Ha woon n he lost his memo,got amnesia. Since den they were close n ended up as couples.Oh yh meanwhile they were frnd (when Ha woon lost his memo) the other students didnt know n found his new behavior weird,n one of em found out so the guy who gave the info bout Wan,the 'close frnd'. Anywy Wan got to incidents cz of Ha Woon's hyung.Ha woon got electrecuted n regained his memo.They didnt talk,obv Wan friend was there for him.Oh yh Wan friend,was his only high skl frnd,before he left he wanted wan to make frnds n he kept his promise.Ha woon meet Wan's his best friend when Ha woon lost his memo.Anyway Wan went to toilet cz he couldnt stand the distance n how it hurted,when he got out from the toilet Ha woon locked him back inside.N they talked den obv kissed,Ha woon was scared that Wan gets involved in dangerous thigns n all dat,den they got together n obv infront of weveryone they went back to how they act so Ha woon smiling n hanging out wiv him.Ha woon went to Wan house n at night they talked bout hyung.Ha woon went to meet his hyung at his dads office where Wan recorded from behind,but got caught cz Hyung tied Ha woon wiv handicuffs,so yh.Ha woon thogght he lost Wan forever cz he fall from high place czof hyng,anwyya yh they went to hospital n obv they kissed.Hyung's secretary came n took them to his dads secret place,where there is camra n deleetd the proof.She handed the recording to Ha woon cz he didnt want to see him like di anymore n asked for her silence that she kept over the yrs.So baisically not helping properly,tho she wanted to (i think she did a bit but not much cz of hyung) Den obv the father seized hyng n took his name out of fam registration. It ends wiv,Ha woon taking care of Wan cz his injured n how Ha woon wins the caring award or smtng.Wan infront of Ha woon house asked if he could kiss den Ha woon was like permission is not needed,they kissed n Wan obv bout to go but den kissed him again since permission not needed.Ha woon kissed him back n said to stay n Wan was like ok.

Roommate 101

Complete | Lee Gpiee | 2000 released

Main chara is a boy who is older who is like a child n wants to be a writer so he ran away from home cz his dad did not acknowledge him being dat.His fam is a doc so his dad wanted him to one,however his sis wants him to dow wtv he wants but still insists here n there. Anywyay he became after school teacher untill he hd to go back to hospital,Meanwhile in the time he was at skl,he lives in ahouse where the child was the landloard,not child the student. They didnt get along first but after dey started to.The student is strong n has issues wiv dad.he hates his dad cz he killed his mum by accident tho.Anywya later on he stopped cz of the incident that hpnd at the end of the story where his ex friend tried to kill his dad.Anywya is not romance,but if it was,the one who wants to be writer (btw he published his book n his dad ackowledged him) would be uke n the student seme.

Raising a Bat

Complete | Jade | 2015 released

uke's mum died giving birth to him,his dad was never nice,he extracted,more like took blood from him cz he had a loottt of blood n never gets anemia or anything like dat if he looses blood. He moved to apartment cz they dditn wnt him in the house. Anyway he eventually allowed the guy who sits next to him as skl to drink his blood. the thing is someone bited him outside hospital n he saw that guy again at skl.Anyway things hpnd n they both fall in love. One day seme took uke at his house,n his father is the writer dat uke reads the books bout,anywya after they let he was jealous of him having dat type of fater,more like he felt out of space.Dat day his real father came n was like to moved back n he couldnt live there,uke disobey his dad,he wanted to call seme but no,he would feel uncomf (he felt betrayed cz he thought uke was his n needed attention n eveyrhing like lost puppy)So he stayed over at his frnds' house.They met when uke was at part time jobe (he needed money) dat guy joined the job later. Since dat dday they had tension,more like they got along a lil bit anyway, cz uke ddnt know it was seme mum,she saw seme drinking her blood. Dat day he said 'that girl' or smtng,for the 1st tme he got angry,uke kissed him n was like i ddnt know n den ran. Seme chased after him,n was like im not ready.Dat night uke slept wiv his frnd the one who he staying over. (btw his older den uke) Since den they were couples,next day he tried to talk to uke but he ignored seme.Aft skl he told him is too late (seme confessed bk) Since den they ddint talk n things wr diff.One day when seme went out wiv a girl he saw uke 'bf' wiv a girl n nxt day he warned him,uke was like fnrd or smtng. Seme went to the girl n was like lets end it (tho u dnt think they were dating) he needed a reason n he said his a vampire. (tnk god she neevr told anyone) Uke went to his 'bf' house n saw him wiv another girl,that boy was like 'when have i ever told u we were dating' smtng den he ran. Uke obv had the keys,he came to return it.They stpped living together maybe when seme saw him n the girl, he was like 'my ex dorm partner came back early so u cant stay here' n he arranged uke a room. After uke left girl was like i can tbelieve u did dis to me n him n she went. After uke saw him wiv girl he went home n cried n didnt go skl for days. He obv tried to cut his wrist but he forgot he has lot of blood so he kept doing it. His sister (the only member he gets along wiv) wanted to give him smtng but made seme go (uke showed her the contract dats why he contracted him,forgot why she couldnt go) when seme came,uke opened n den close but couldnt cz seme put his hand.Later uke fainted. Things hpnd n den finally he told seme the truth (how n why he wouldnt go bk to him n also the full story,also bout his parents n such) den yh they got together. Seme mum was concerned n uke felt dat she was distant.At night she expalined why cz he suffered a lot cz of uke n also cz of past n as mother he doesnt wannna see dat,however he doesnt mind uke (at 1st she was grateful to uke cz seme looked more better n healthy tnks to him offering blood) Anyway since den they got along,one day smee wanetd to learn more proper kiss (they kissed before but it was uke kissing,seme wants to do it deeply n such) so he asked his frnd (has a gf but his too kind so yh) n uke saw him (they didnt kiss,bout to) n den they had a talk,obv uke cried n was like ik is my fault 4 past mistakes n suc blh blh.Den yh things worked out n uke was like i'll show u n den they kissed. Uke told her sis bout it,bout his bf den she ran.Seme saw dat n ran after her. (uke n seme went together,seme was waiting outside) Seme saw his dad n made eye contract telling him to taake uke away (they went to hot spring) meanwhile seme talked to his sis bout his pain,endurance,trying to commit suicide n all dat. Den things worked out.At home semes' frnd sent a pic of his gf n uke sis sent pic of his bf.Turns out sme frnd n uke sis are dating n uke obv doesnt like him.Anyway there is too many scenes. One where they also tell bout how seme parents got together,how she was a nurse n it was love at first sight i think (tho she though he was a gangster lol) A lot hpnd n the story between them proceeded rapidly,like moves n such. Anwyay yh. There were many probs n misunderstanding since den but things worked out in the end.Tho few were dangerous like when uke drank alot n had to go hospital they said he was in a shock. This hpdn cz ukewas anxious n jealous bout seme leaving him cz gurls were very attracted n approached him n when he asked him why he liked him he was like blood,he said dat finally n den since den seme avoided a lil bit him.One day he didnt come home for 2 days n when he went he saw uke on the flood (uke regretted telling him dat n drank a lot n was like is my turn to wait n chase) anwyy later seme n uke talked,when they went their parents home,seme parent was like if he wanted to bcme a fam n he was like yes n yh they registered him n fam. Last ch. more like the one before i think is bout uke telling her sis bout him becoming one of em n having surname as theirs.Also they went somewhere n turns out all 4 of them were there n he didnt want her sis to be in weird situ cz uke thought he would do weird things,so he flwed him,n she went to his dad grave n she talked to him. Uke at home was like i misjudged him n all dat yh. Still i skipped a lot of scenes but yh.