Fushidara na Hanatsumi Otoko
Oh man..... just when it got interesting Anyway I had read it before but because Kotaro as a character was very feminine and girly looking I didn't like it the first time so I dropped. This time I was able enjoy it and appreciate it properly. Yeah Kotaro's character is very female like which is the only thing that upsets me a little apart from that everything else is great. I mean Honma sensei, the story, especially Kyoujo OMG . Initially I disliked him but now that I have seen more layers of him, his sweet valnerable side I deeply feel sorry for him and I somewhat agree with his perception of Honma. Man Honma is hot. When I see Honma's love for Kotaro it melts my heart ️ so touching. I don't like the less friend and more colleague trouble maker guy (that sentence doesn't make any sense) but He's a mess. People should just stay away from him. Great manga. Good for me that I gave this a second attempt.
A Paramour
It's frustrating that it's ongoing. I loved Soohoo's devotion for Merry but so far all Merry does is cry though I feel sad for him. When I saw Merry his physical features were very feminine especially the lips were irritating but then later I got that it's author's art style which is totally cool. I love the story so far. Everything is going down smoothly. Their relationship is really romantic and lovey dovey so KAWAII the kissing scenes are HOT AF I can't wait for more. I was so fascinated and excited this whole time to see more of their love scene but then it's shounen ai so I had to calm myself down.
Jibun Katte.