I have been up all night reading this and I am so glad that i did. Yesterday my day went total crap, this was the only good thing that happened to me and it also made my morning lovely In this story I honestly loved Machida Yuki. I think she was this fierce strong female character in a shoujo manga which was the added bonus point. So in that department I had no complaints actually i had no complaints whatsoever. I loved this brilliant shoujo manga. I mean according to my standards it was FUCKING GOOD!!! Even Naruse was very considerate, loving, slightly jealous type boyfriend but I think that's completely ok. It should be like that sometimes. It feels good to have that characteristic only sometimes not all the time. There pairing was cho kawaii loved it. I mean there were many super cute moments which were really heart warming. That's exciting according to me so throughout I was blushing,screaming and awestruck by NaruseXYuki. The execution went smoothly but slowly which was good though I feel do bad for Hakamada. He should get somebody. If you compare Hakamada and Naruse I have to say this but Naruse is kinda jerk. I mean I thought that in the beginning but gradually as the story developed he evolved as a character then I started liking him more and more. FYI the minute I saw that guy(forgot his name) getting hit in park I immediately knew that he's trouble. Wish I had a love story like Yuki As I have stated again and again that I loved this manga. It fits perfectly into my specific standardized shoujo category so I am super duper happy and thoroughly enjoyed it. No regrets of sleeplessness night.️
Totally Captivated
It was awesome. I just finished reading Work, fight and Love (sensei's other manhwa) and jumped onto this one right after that, I was blown away. I love Mookyul's obsessive love and badass yakuza attitude Though Ewon jung was equally manly in a different way according to me. I appreciate that he wasn't typical femine type uke. The way Mookyul always bite his
Totally Captivated dj - The Last Episode
Sequel of Totally captivated
Totally Captivated Dj - Totally Spying On Them
I just wanted to see more of them.
Totsuzen Desu ga, Ashita Kekkon Shimasu
I didn't like it at first but eventually I loved it. It's a good shoujo manga definitely worth reading it. They are adorable though I do feel bad for Kamiya ☹️
You're My Princess
It was HOT. Seriously I LOVE IT I LOVE IT I LOVE IT good, fulfilling and satisfying. I am so in heaven right now. Art, story, characters everything so on point.
Kimi no Tabegoro
OMG OMG OMG!!!!!! It's so awesome. It was way too HOT AF for me.
Blood Link
Every single chapter is so amazing and exciting that it's extremely hard to contain your happiness. I mean it's so HOT & SEXY I am totally lovin' it. I love this author so much. This this best yaoi I have read in months that got me so tingly and hot inside out. Anyway... I love it, the character, the story, the build up and to where it's going now Ican't wait for more updates.
Love or Hate(Yeongha)
OMG!!!!! This is so freaking interesting and unbelievable.
sefure ijou, koibito miman!