Sakura Hime ;)'s manga / #Master x Servant(2)

Kashikomarimashita, Destiny

Complete | Sachimo | 2015 released

The ending was just perfect. happy ending. I loved it. It has everything I mean literally everything. The back stories of the character. Overall it was warm and heartfelt story. I really enjoyed throughout the manga. If I'm told to describe it in a word it would be "SEXY".

Royal Servant

Complete | MasterGin,Chungnyun | 2016 released

I like it very much especially how lovely Lucaon and Kyon's relationship turned out at the end. I hated Lucaon's gut at the beginning like how he tortured Kyon while having sex ARGH I despised him but somehow near the end he started caring for Kyon and loving him so I liked that part of him. I was so happy when they started having proper normal human sex *phew* anyway all the character were very likable. You can gradually grow to love them, understand them and be sympathetic about their situations including Lucaon (he was a total jerk from the beginning till chapter 50 i guess) but the story was too much precisely presented I mean it was too much story. There were several times when I feel like it got boring because such elaborated script. It felt like they stretched it too much but I wanted to read further because I wanted to see what happens to Kyon and Lucaon(just my opinion.) Nonetheless I like it, enjoyed it truly so all good Arigatou Sensei.