Ashita wa Docchi Da!
Kasenjiki RomiJuri Kousou Kyoku
4.7* || just fibnished ch 1 holy shit this shit is so cuteeARGH i like how he just strihgt up saysb he likes him at the end,.. BOLD!!! also love how the blonde one just fell in love wiht the other guy because he was being cut ewith a cat... . just finished ch 2 FUCK i love this manga GOD shit FUCK!!! but now i bet theres gonna be some stupid needless drama that'll mess with the tone/flow of the relationship.... Let's see.NOOOOOOOOOO ch 3.5.... this isnt the translators dfault nothing oersonaol but GOD NOOOO WHY DOES IT HAVE TO HAVE A SHITTY LOW QUALITY TRANSLATIONNNNN hhuuuhuhuhhh yaoi fans really have to suffer!!! also here comes the misunderstanding break up plottt.... UUHUOGHghrb hjedoxu h IM go0ing to puncvh thre WALLLLl jutst let them,be gay and in love im goijng to tweak out bro|| nooo i genuionely love this manga i wish the last chapters werent kinda shittily translated (i mean this in no offense to the one who did it lkike i am so unbelievebably greateful i could finish this manga ) it just hurts my heart the rest wasnt as high quality of a translation... just feel like i couldn't enjoy this to its full potential. stil cute a HELL i love the characters the art is so good they r so passionate
Ryuuku Ai Utsu
3.7* || 1st ch hot. .,.Hhjk.e, hhehh e . OK i dont ememnebr much abouit it even thogh iu just read it 2nd story caught me so off guard. character designs soooooo good but why is the blonde one an actual FREAK icant read that oh ymhod i had to look away wahts wrong wiht his freak ass
Makitakun No Koiji wo Jamasuru To Shinu
love the art style love the kissing at the start god this mangas so good
Kudou Sensei no Majestic Days