ive actually read this before but i forgot everything about it lmao so here i am finally putting this in my “already read” list a story about a journalist/reporter dom(???) alpha hyung-oh who fall in love w the ceo of the largest group in kr seonghwa- an hyperdom omega chu ga in! its very uhh normal story. not bad not good, very typical for an easy read if u want to just read soenthing that’s not heavy or tjust to fill ur boredom.
Why Are You So Kind To Everyone Except Me?
istg the way my brain automatically deleted this story from my brain despite just few days of completing the story basically tells about jeongwoon(bottom) and chaeheon (top) story of how these two were buddy2 with eo back in hs but in a drunk accident these two kissed but the bottom forgot about it and thought twas a dream which made him embarrassed to look at the top + also marked as the start of miscommunication bcs the top think that was the bottom way of rejecting his ass. bcs of that their relationship grew further and in uni the top can be seen acting very distant and cold towards the bottom (bcs of the misunderstanding). but these two somehow ended up with fwb, thus chaos ensues
A Bittersweet Couple
read this during ramadhan and the way i “ALLAHUMA AS ALUKA A MAN LIKE JI YEJUN” PLEASEEEE MARRIAGE IS AINT SCARY IF MY MAN IS LIKE JI YEJUN WATAFAAKKK anyway, this story tells about two enemies(?) who have known eo since their hs years, then ending up getting married to eo through contract marriage as per ml (ji yejun)’s grandma wishes to see the ml get married (altho by the end the grandma said she only wanted yejun to find happiness nguengue). ml chose his enemy, the fl (soobin) bcs he thought itll be easy to end the marriage once the contract’s up considering they were enemies. but as a delicious enemies to lovers plot out there, they fell in love with eo (HIHIHI IM SO GIDDY). and its so beautiful uhuks the backstory for yejun and his family was great, and how soobin became his whole family’s lucky charm huuuu i love it sm!!! A total of 73 chapters and it only took us 57 chapters for them to finally confess their feelings to eo properly and actually took their marriage seriously huuuu oh and they got a daughter named seorin too :D and the author ended the story with a premonition dream that they’ll get twins too hihi its saur good urghhh i love that when they were enemies, i also cringed when they cringed doing affectionate things to eo (cause i know they dont like eo LMAO), but when they become lovers none of those actions looks cringe cause now they finally love eo properly huuu need a man like ji yejun too 10/10!!!!
Unintentional Love Story