Killing Stalking
Read it cuz of the hype and got trauma after it
Marionette (Cereal)
Ive enjoyed it so much! Even its short it is realy good, and the end hits pretty hard. <3
A Tree Without Roots
I should have stopped right after the red flag scene at the very beginning... but I'm curious to see how it all ends. And I just hope they both manage to overcome this unhealthy relationship and find therapy :) *after ch.70+...Further I read i feel more like shit.. still, cant stop read it cuz I dont want to give up hope,for the ,,happy endind,,? (how naive I can be, seriosly...*sigh) Every scene with He-seo makes me more and more uncomfortable. I want to cry, I feel so bad for Tae... hes so broken and tired of everything... That look in his eyes was so empty, it made me feel so hopeless. Before he shown at least some anger, saddness to He-seo but now... Tae is just empty broken shell, I wonder what He-seo do after he realize that, he´s the one who broke Tae. I´d be so happy if he just let Tae go but, that´s too much to ask TT. (i am really enjoing this story)
Angel of Slaughter
When i die, i want to be buried with this story, i want to hold it, in my hands againts my heart. I could read, play and watch this story over and over again. It really got under my skin and I think I will be never be able to get over its ending (if u know, u know...)
Secret Alliance