Unspoken Love
I really want to know how that coffee date went~ I also love how deaf MC fell for him out of nowhere and just followed his feelings—it felt like he was guided by love itself, literally. XD <33
Rain Shower
This was so beautiful to read—I think I’m going to cry TT. When Lee Garam vanished, I felt so hopeless, like my heart was being crushed.
An Open Secret
This was really nice to read <33 . The Mcs here r really handsome, I must say hehee. I like the scene where Cornelius has a dilemma of dressing up as Cornelia, so he can feel more confident in front of Felix, it honestly made me sad TT
HeartCatch PreCure! - When My Loneliness Calls You... (Doujinshi)
Very cute one-shot <333
Winter Before Spring
I didnt expect to cry this soon TT i love Hana sm, she such a sweetie
Guinea Pig Doesn't Dream of Outside the Prison
wait.. did he died from heat? i thought i´ve followed the story pretty good, and then this? kinda expect story to continue further. i dont really understood, and im too tired to study plot further. sorry
Angel of Slaughter
When i die, i want to be buried with this story, i want to hold it, in my hands againts my heart. I could read, play and watch this story over and over again. It really got under my skin and I think I will be never be able to get over its ending (if u know, u know...)
Can I Kiss You?