19 Days
This is a masterpiece! I think everyone should read this. It is so much fun, and I recommend this to everyone. Hope we can get new chapters before I die with school pressure-
The Specific Heat Capacity of Love
This is beautiful-
Joker Danny
I l o v e t h i s- When I am going to babysit kids, get kids (weird to think about), or work with kids, I am not going to tell them stories about that Bella Cinderella or other stories. I am going to tell them a little story about a h o t joker that helped the oth-
Revenge Movie Queen
I love the art, but the problem is that the storyline is weird... It is like a world with one strong women, rich boys who is only simping for her, too many jelly girls around and idiots who should not be there. And its not any ships there either- its a little bory reading it cause you know What is going to happend next. I know she is smart and everything, but for ME its just eh...
I will be waiting for you in 1999
I have no words to say about this.
Inso's Law Webtoon
This book is amazing! I have seen so many book where the female lead is falling and someone AcCidEnTlY caught her. This is the opposite. This book feel so realistic and true that I would bealive if someone said its a true story. The manga is so funny that I have bookmarked almost every chapter. Soooo.... YOU.SHOULD.READ.THIS!
Never Understand