Salad Days (Tang LiuZang) Webtoon
i would die for this story -- best shounen ai there is imo just TOO SWEET AND THE ART IS A++
Lost in the Cloud
oh my god. binged. incredible pacing, characterization, paneling/storytelling. skylar - in love with his childhood best friend, minwoo, who is homophobic. kisses m, m revolts and lays a trap for s. bullying and ostracization ensues, at one point he even gets r4ped aND MINWOO IS JUST STANDING BY DOING NOTHING AND IN FACT SUGGESTED IT. s's mom enlists him for some conversion therapy shit and moves their family away where no one knows him. there, skylar falls for chan-il because he actually sees minwoo in him (but he's actually a sweet angel) and is attempting to resolve the lacks/mistake in his relationship w minwoo through chan-il. honestly heartbreaking because chan-il is a veritable sweetheart. enter cirrus, who is curious about homosexuality. he catches skylar taking pictures of chan-il and blackmails him, initially just to have fun, but then it devolves into something more complex. needing, or indeed wanting something from skylar. he's yet to understand, but it does coalesce around homosexuality. also, skylar is the only one who is aware of how cyrus really is - he has a mr perfect persona that he maintains all the time, presumably because of his family situation. his father is rarely home, and married this parasitic woman who lives with c. c has a dog cotton candy that is the only semblance of family he seems to have, and is inordinately attached to the dog. cirrus' mom dies, father unable to handle a very dysregulated child, meets someone new and his step-mother is kind of cold/should not be a parent eg wont greet him/pretend no one is home when cirrus comes home and care more abt her pet parrot than she does cirrus - he also experiences another kind of abandonment from his auntie (presumably mom's sister) who is also now unreachable by phone number. she reaches out to him later but in the moment of crisis when he tried to call her i think that was enough to signal to him that he cant rely on her. teacher catches on that cirrus is really neglected, takes him to zoo for a parent day assignment (write abt event you did for parents day or something) and it goes well; cirrus is validated and his feelings of possessiveness show ("i have him all to myself" during this reading and writing summer class) but teacher turns out to be a p3doph1l3....not depicted thankfully but clear indication that csa occurred....he puts his hand on cirrus shoulder and he the way cirrus is drawn is something you know well; trying to maintain appearance of normalcy but dying on the inside. he pees himself and step-mom shows up instead of his dad and they get into tussle bc shes embarrassed - she does ask if something happened at school but he doesnt trust her
not a seinen but it read like one; poetic