Tonde Hi Ni Iru Natsu No Neko
Yamiiro No Aijin
Chapter 1-3 The main story is about the protagonist meeting a mysterious man when he was a kid, not even knowing that the man is inhuman. When he became a teenager, he meet the same man from years ago, but... the guy didn't age? And why does the man seems to know who the protagonist is in the past life? I think the artwork is good because whenever I re-read it again and again, I could still get the emotions being the protagonist. Chapter 4 The protagonist, a bodyguard of a successful businessman,.... I don't understand this story much. And neither do I like the artwork. Chapter 5 The continuation of the first story. The vampire, Dean doesn't want to turn the human, Rei into one even though Rei request him to do otherwise. Typical scenes of vampire stories. Kind of boring, so I'll just enjoy the artwork.
Baraou No Souretsu