Cozy Obsession
10/10 BL, isekai in book 41 He read a story , the character had his name and his friends name - OG: Huimin Seo ( mc name) was on omega that was bought but Iheon Cha( his friends name) , Iheon abused Huimin since Iheon believed that Huimin betrayed and abandoned him when he lost everything -Huimin lost his father and his step dad sold him to a slave auction - Iheon bought Huimin and would abuse him - in the end the step dad killed Iheon and Huimin killed himself since he loved Iheon ________ - mc ( Huimin from another world) possessed Huimin when he was aging sold off - he tried changing the plot by behaving better - he also corrected any of the misunderstandings they had - he told Iheon that he and trauma bc he was r@p3, by his professor - Iheon became more gentle with him - the doctor told them that Huimin suffers from multiple personality disorders, 21 year old Hiumin and 30 year old Huimin - they slept together during Huimins heat - Huimin will work with his step dad to get the ledgers that show that he in embezzled money
Redeem: Only One Forever
10/10 sooo sweet Bet story and plot BL/ regression / - mc boyfriend dies - mc went back in time - mc was in 5th grade and he ran to boy friends clinic - boyfriend thought mc was crazy , but later believed him - mc brother was the one that killed boyfriend - mc almost died - mc brother apologized - mc lost his memories about boyfriend - boyfriend waited 10 years - they met at the same place - they crossed the same cross walk and almost died - mc remembers everything - happy ending
A Trace of the Wonder