Kawaii waifu's manga / #Yakuza(2)

Black Dragon's Lover

Ongoing | July archive,Kidari studio | 2000 released
2022-03-22 05:30 marked

Honestly ,,,,, the synopsis / summary posted on here does NOT do this manhwa justice. It's so good and not drawn out (someone said it was) and is soooo good. It builds up the suspension at a good pace, the climax of the story is amazing, and revenge has been taken !!! It also rounds up or ig connects all 3 couples in a kind of subtle way and not just because the 3 are siblings. The stepmom deserves torture. Another person commented that you can still respect someone and try to survive w/o stepping on someone else and i totally agree! I do feel bad for her son but it could've been worse for him. He could've been killed a horrible death. Instead, his tattoo was skinned off (which must've hurt like a total bitch) and he got sent to an orphanage which i believe is much better than being tortured or killed

This Yakuza is No Gentleman!

Complete | Shikiharu | 2019 released
2022-08-20 17:11 marked