Woof Wolf
The Boss is too Much!!!
Dance with the Devil
It's not too late for the sweetness
Imma wait till this gets to 20 or 50 chaps
Master x Secretary
Waiting for more chaps!!! And looks like Mr. Secretary is the bottom
Is It A Coincidence?
I love this though.... It's a bit confusing for me but maybe once there's more chapters it's gonna be clearer now! Anyways waiting for more chaps and I already fell in love with the two characters
Interview with a Murderer
Dang, the ending got me crying cause what if Clark stayed with Alex and after a few years or so, Alex may have a change of heart and stop being obsessive and stop being a murderer. I'm not that satisfied with the ending cause I wanted both Clark and Alex to be happy and not sad. Though, I guess I could say that Alex deserves to die but the author should've considered what some of us would feel since the author just straight up made Clark to pretend that he likes Alex and then kill him... Like that's the saddest part for me but it's just my opinion and we have different opinions, so no hate at all to the other readers and the author!
Do You Still Like Me?