Good day to go crazy
1: that guy on the phone talks too much 2: he's a WHAT?! 3:you do not SEND a SUICIDAL and POSSIBLY DANGEROUS HUMAN BEING to someone you care about Update:we are now at chapter 27 that is supposed to break my heart to pieces but something is a bit off about it? Let's wait for the next one! Last update: I finished it. The end. Sadness and happiness. Damn it.
Eyes speak more love than the mouth
I love it. Should buy. I'll buy it someday. When it's published in English language. Damn I love it. I don't always want to buy a manga but when I do Reread!
Cinema Next Door Webtoon
Super cute!
You're My Princess
Adorable!!!! I also very much like this style of drawing and the uke's face is just
Batsu Game (Conro)
At first It was a big NO because it all was ~nonconsensual~ Was it for me, that one shot would have died there, but the story got better and now I feel like they are adorable together so it was good that my curiosity kept me reading. It was sweet and I totally didn't expected it to go that way. Found a good one!
On Doorstep