Hello, I'm Your Stalker
HOPE to read this Edit:Here we are,2 YEARS later,but it has updated! Chapter 6 was a no more waited BOMB This is updating so slowly This guy is so dense The more I read the more I can't follow the plot. It's a first for me..
Never Understand
It's a 85 chapter short story
A Guy Like You
Me,every time I read this story: *read *internal screaming *read more *more internal screaming *chapter end *internal screaming I NEED MORE!!!!!!!!!!
Killing Stalking
I need more to know what's goin on It should get a prize for whatever is it that keeps people reading it Damn it was it creepy. This is some story I hope I never get to read again, not because it was bad, because it's scarred me. It's going to be a scar in my memories for my whole freaking life. Damn it. I need some happy cheese sweet after this crap sad psychological twisted story.
Royal Servant
I'm reading this but it's got so boooring ...
Vampire Library
ಥ‿ಥ) Too funny. .. my stomach Update: We are at chapter 39 and one character was outed, but I won't say who.. Ch40..
At the End of the Road