Kininaru Ano Ko
sss gimme that sad shit! It's not like I cry after all! No no,I'm no sa becau I'm lonely no a a
Sankaku Opera
I REALLY DIDN'T SEE THAT COMING! This twisted story really... I didn't expect Sadaki-sensei to be so ... ukno,for this is my first story to end up with Polygamy I'm so shocked I don't have enough word in my vocabulary how could he keep them both? I'm sorry Sense I,but you really are a hoe... Not saying that people who are in these kind of relationship are,this is even better of people betraying their lover with someone else, much better have two lover who knows about each other,I bet it's more fun too but now that's not the point SENSE,keep them both but eat a lot! They are so cute after all,I don't know if it was me what would have I do either ~ Just happy of the happy ending. Happiest I ever seen in a BL manga with a triangle now that I think about it ;D
Sex Pistols
I have to admit it,I just so curious about this when I have nothing to read I come back here just to reread this from zero, I've seen the OAV many times and they don't have anything to do with the manga
Faster Than A Kiss
I remember myself loving this. Maybe I will come back to read it again or buy the man CSA if I make some very extra money one day
Kiss Me Princess
I read this whole story: 3 times Worth it.
Boku Wa Sakana
That was saaaaaaaaaaaad
Cherry Blossoms After Winter
SEASON THREE?! ... will it be good?
The King's Undertaker
This was cute,sad.. with the hashtag that is a Spoiler
Totally Captivated dj - The Last Episode