Asa to Mitya
accident with all three of them in the car head on collision instantly killed parents he walked away with a blow to the head and a broken arm. his male relative was the only thing he had left. in his fear and anxiety he became his everything. and his anxieties sky rocked. his trauma and PTSD had him trying to get more from him than he was willing to give. because they were family (no. he wasn't in love with him. it was more a mental breakdown) he felt too embareesaed being rejected. he stayed away for a time. Falling to the clutches of a shitty guy who did drugs, and gave him drugs and forced him into sex. for a long time. by the time he pulled away. he was so beaten (physically beaten and mentally) he went to school. to the roof top . with every intention of ending his life. ran into the beautiful long haired blonde beauty. they quickly started dating and falling in love. fully bearing all their scars and past issues to one another seeking comfort and love from one another. both hate themselves. but love each other fiercely. helped him reconnect and make up with his male relative. -our seme too, hates himself, and has a darkness inside of him. he was born and abandoned. his father, his mother, and his half-brothers all tossed him away like garbage.
Kimi wa Jun'ai ni Fusawashii
abused by alpha brother. meets this kind guy, whom let him stay over. he doesn't have sex with him lets him stay over cherishes him. hates seeing people as "alpha" or "omega", they are human
Sabita Yoru Demo Koi Wa Sasayaku