Ken's manga / #reincarnation(297)

Sweetheart V5: The Boss Is Too Kind!

Complete | Hua er bao | 2000 released
2020-09-25 13:47 marked


The Precious Sister of The Villainous Grand Duke

Ongoing | Eclair,Lunaheng | 2019 released
2021-02-27 13:51 marked

72 66 ons not so good tls 70 handsome daymon enjoys quarrel between ML & FL lol. 67 handsome yurik escort anisa to her tea party 63-65 Anisa vs hottie Daymon. 64 torture prank of Anisa to make Daymon confess his real motives & identity. Daymon is actually a gramps age but he's still hot kyaaa! 62 Dietrich rejects saintess thinking he's fine in the abyss when he dies to be with Anisa in this life. 59-60 Back to their palace with unfrozen siblings. Kawaii triplets and Yuri. Dietrich wants to ban marriage and debutante so Anisa won't leave forever lol. 50-53 Hottie Dietrich. Handsome Daymon. Charlotte saintess true colors. 53 Dietrich says Anisa is his kyaaa! 48-48 Dietrich & Anisa goes to Capital to officially receive title. Mansion of Dietrich & Anisa's real fam just across each other lol! Anisa sees her real bro but relationship not revealed. Funny empress adores lil girls lol. 45-47 Dietrich enters demon gateway alone to become the duke. He intends to defeat the demon & his brother alone. Handsome smile as Anisa tries to stop him from entering. Anisa uses Vassago to open the gateway. Anisa uses amplification gem to purify everything. Anisa was wounded but vassago offers help w/ payment to save her. 47 hottie demon vassago! Veronica & Yurik frozen until Dietrich is recognized as duke by the empress lol! 44 kawaii triplets. Taller Dietrich & Anisa meets. Dietrich said he never thought of Anisa as family (could it be he loves her as a girl? Kyaaaa!) 42-44 taller Yurik & Dietrich kyaaaa! 40 Anisa w/ Yurik & Veronica in Veronica's office. 36-37 kawaii kids all went to see Anisa. Kawaii triplets. 37-38 Yurik's mom Leatrice calls for Anisa now that she has purified things around her she now became better. Leatrice admits she's afraid to love her own children cos they die being too soft hearted. 32-33 Yurik saves Anisa from getting caught by her mom 27-30 Yurik & FL in town that dietrich monitors. Sees Veronica & goes to casino. 28-29 og novel fl shows up. 26, 30, 34 dietrich's smile! 24-25 kawaii Yurik protecting FL from Veronica lol 20 dietrich & FL kawaii sleeping together 10 & 18,22,23 kawaii Yurik blonde brother

Reminiscence Adonis

Ongoing | Duō Yù,n Wé,nhu,Duo Yun Wenhu | 2000 released

A Queen's Law of Survival

Ongoing | 两只猫 liang zhi mao,两只猫图 liang zhi mao tu | 2019 released
2021-02-25 15:16 marked

The beginning after the end

Ongoing | Turtleme,Fuyuki23 | 2000 released

125-126 truth about grandma white drahon silvia and kawaii sylvie 101 Tess kissed Art!!! MC was a very strong King who died in his sleep?. In his prev world being king is earned (thru power/strength?) in this world it's inherited. He retired after being tired of & successfully winning all the fights & war. He reincarnated as son of 2 adventurers living in a small town outskirts empire to raise him in peace. Since Arthur is baby w/ adult soul, he learned of new world by sneakily crawling to the study to read books & go w/ his mom to market. This world uses mana vs "ki" )prev world). One's wakening happens in late teenage yrs to early adolescence when mana core manifests. At few mos old he tried using method of "ki center" by meditating & gathering scattered fragments of mana in body to slowly build mana core. At 2 y/o he watched his dad train. Dad let him swing branch of tree as sword training w/c makes mom's angry. At < 3 y/o he finally built mana core that caused huge blast & blew their house. His parents found him inside safe & awakened his core so they taught him how to read, write, basics of mana manipulation & augmentation. Since he can't spar yet, he did workouts w/ dad, received a wooden sword when he was 3. At 4, dad finally let him spar w/ his wooden sword. At that certain lil spar his dad realized Art needs real teacher to not hold back his potential as prodigy. They decided to move to Xyrus City w/ help of former adventurer colleagues in Twin Horns. Unfortunately a group of bandits attacked them. Art was asked to run while protecting his then pregnant mom. He had no choice but to fall off a cliff w/ mage bandit to save his mom. He was lucky to stay alive w/ the help of a wounded scary being, trapped in a rock cave? named Sylvia. She secretly bid her time to spend w/ Art & train him to absorb mana while moving as she made a portal for Art to return to his parents. Sylvia died but gave a dragon egg to Art & her "will". She knew Art was King Grey, told him that his parents & others are safe & his 4 y/o body is still weak so once his core turns white, he will hear her message again & the truth. Art was sent to a forest outside Xyrus but along the way he found slave traders who kidnapped an elf kid who turned out to be the elf princess. Art helped Tess get home & despite opposing the elf tradition, elf former king grandpa Virion whose strength is noted in history books took Art in as his disciple. He also knew of Art's beast will wherein a beast Class A or higher can pass their inherent ability. Virion is a "beast tamer" who tamed a monstrous beast in him. Going back would do more harm to Art so gramps asked his deviant & clairvoyant friend to help Art contact his family to at least let them know he's fine. He told his devastated-looking parents where he is & he has to stay for some time cos of some illnesses & asked his dad to take care of mom & soon to be born sis. After 3 yrs of training, gate to Xyrus was to open for a certain conference. Gramps finally infused some of his mana to Art's mana core w/c caused a huge blast. Gramps shocked that Art is a Dragon tamer. The egg w/c Art thought was a stone reacted to his awakened dragon will & hatched. Gramps shocked again to see baby dragon but they decided to call her a rare beast to avoid issues. Last few mos before leaving, gramps showed him the 2nd level "integration" using his shadow panther's beast will, to fully utilize his beast's unique ability. Art was able to strengthen his mana core & use the 1st stage of borrowing the inherent strength of his beast. He also learned to conceal his beast will in front of other mages. Finally he was off to see his family who lives w/ a rich family friend who owns the city auction house. His dad now works as instructor of the guards. After a touching reunion, Art told them what he went through but kept stuff abt his powers & Sylvia secret til he's strong enough to avoid issues & harm. As usual, hilarious dad asked abt mana core & surprised the 8 y/o kid is already light red phase, just 1 level below him. Art met house owner Vincent & family before he spar w/ his dad. Vincent shocked to see Art's powers as even the geniuses in Xyrus academy awakened at 11 y/o & barely dark red stage. W/o them knowing, Art could've been above his dad's stage but he had to assimilate w/ Sylvie's beast will too lol. He kinda wanna brag to his dad so as dad learned fire affinity, Art showed his deviant lightning & fire. Vincent & wife decided to sponsor Art to study at Xyrus academy. He introduced him to his friend, founder & directress of academy, Cynthia Goodsky. She is actually elf gramps' friend & she also decided to take in Art as her disciple when she saw his wind affinity but shovke to know that yesterday he actually used other affinity. Art revealed he use all 4 affinities & lightning deviant (keept ice as his not so improved deviant & wants to awaken gravity & sound lol). Directress said he will be the strongest in the future w/c surprised everyone. He strikes a deal w/ her to use her power & influence to protect his family until he can do so on his own. She was amazed as not even the king & queen would ask for such one sided deal but they both know of Art's potential if he attends academy & if she becomes his benefactor. Art decided not to attend academy until 3 yrs after so there will be no issues w/ students & to fulfill his promise to Sylvia to enjoy life & to test his strength by becoming an adventurer. Art managed to convince parents to be an adventurer w/ 1 of twin horns as his guard. Before he left, he asked Vincent for some items he needs & as a deal he'll teach his daughter Lilly to awaken mana core w/ a process he developed w/c he also planned to use for his sister. Sis will prolly awaken at 8 or 9 but he wants her to awaken at normal age to avoid attention. Twin horns arrived & was tasked to help auction house security for it's 10th annive. The King & his family arrived & Sebastian, royal court mage, targets Art's beast. Upon learning Sylvie initiated the bond on equal contract at such young age, his beast will wud grow beyond A class in the future so Sebastian insisted for the King to break their bond. Art being a former King too handled the situation w/ words & current power. Sebastian used his magic on his own accord so Art used his stage 1 beast will using static void to separate himself & Sebastian from flow of time & he twisted Sebastian's leg. He passed out for overusing his limit. Sebastian stripped of his position & no one believed him when he accused Art of twisting his leg. Art earned money as compensation for his adventure but adults were not happy as they think when things cool down the 2 royal guards will be reinstated. Art went around the auction house inventory to find his sword. Sylvie brought him a heavy stick to anyones eye but Art though it's an unseath sword as it is heavy. He tried using his mana affinities but was unseath only when he east his beast will. He read the engraved markings on it "Dawn's Ballad W.K. IV" then it zapped him to take it's blood. The sword changed to a size perfect for Art's body. Right after his 9th birthday, after receiving gifts that would help his safety on adventures, Art finally took the adventurer rank exam & Jasmine volunteered to guard & sponsor him. Jasmine is acquainted with the guild master Kaspian as she actually comes from a noble family who's famous for their flame affinity yet despite Jasmine awakening at an early age of 9 she has wind affinity & not fire that the family treated her poorly. 2 other kids at least 2 yrs older than him were there. A kid, Elijah raised by dwarfs was automatically given rank B due to his bg & circumstances. An arrogant kid from a very high noble family, Lucas Wykes, a half elf born of elf slave was also rank B. The ban on elves & drawves becoming adventurers & academy students was lifted. Kaspian, an AA class mage guild master, took interest in Arthur & tested him himself but got carried away testing the extent of Art's abilities as he felt like he was about to lose but timely enough, he stopped their mock duel. Art went by the name "note" & the guild master realized how he was holding back his full abilities to be ranked low but was still ranked B class. They finally set off & Sylvie was left to roam around since they can communicate telepathically. Jasmine, like Art's dad & Kaspian, noticed that Art seemed to be uncomfortable with his body & but has an instinct of wielding his sword like a war veteran. They spar & Art decided to hone his previously life forte, the sword, in 2 yrs as an adventurer. In season 2, Note made a name as a masked swordsman even being able to clear a dungeon himself & ranking up to class A in just 2 yrs (but he actually should have been ranked class A all along but Kaspian went along with what he wants). He now has a light orange core & his cousin Lilia has awaken her mana core. Few weeks before Art starts school, he went on his final dungeon as an adventurer where he has Elijah & Lucas as his teammates. Sylvie was not with him as she's getting ready on her own in the wild. Jasmine has also ranked up to AA class & is still at light yellow stage. Elijah let the 2 use his dimension ring to keep their bags. Elijah seems to try looking serious but blushes when Note thanked him & back at the guild when Art was given the same rank as him. The dungeon was turned out to have an elderwood guardian, an S-class mana beast. Lucas as arrogant & show off was scared. Despite his elixirs his spell had no effect. One by one they've gone mad as they see others get severely hurt. Lucas got crazy & attacked Note, Jasmine & others declaring that their names will go down in history protecting Lucas Wykes w/ their lives. Note had no choice but to use his mana beast phase 2 w/c took elf gramps Virion decades to achieve. He achieved it in just 2 1/yrs but his young body still can't handle the massive power & gets severe backlash. Sylvie sensed Art's integration & was flying over to him but Art told her not to come & told her to go back home instead if something happens to him. Art uses his absolute zero ice & his black lightning w/c defeated the elderwood beast. Elijah created a metal cavern for Jasmine & Art. Art woke up after a day & asked Elijah to find the healing crystals his mom gave him as a bday gift to heal himself & Jasmine. Note lost his mask amidst the battle so Elijah was surprised to find out he was a kid like him. They exchanged secrets as to how Elijah can create metal as dwarves can only manipulate existing metal & not conjure it. He can also use pulse search beyond what a usual mage can do. Art also explained why his hair turned white & had glowing purple eyes, which is how Sylvia looked. Elijah was shocked that despite being a freak himself, an 11 y/o Art who is 1 yr younger than him is quadra-elemental, deviant in 2 elements & has a dragon bond. But they became friends & kept it a secret. A now big Sylvie arrived to pick them up including Samantha who they found severely injured & unconscious. Samantha woke up & actually found Art's mask & the S-class beast core. Everyone decided that Art should have it as he single-handedly defeated the beast. He used part of the power of the core to heal himself & vowed to himself to get not just a petty revenge on Lucas Wykes. After the guild rescue unit pick them up. The issue about Lucas was set for a hearing. Kaspian knows Note's strength & he seems to know that his intimidation has grounds. Note made a deal with Kaspian about the hearing's outcome & even the judge played with his game of charades as to conceal his identity from Lucas. The guild & the judge chose to back up Note as they know he can do them a favor one day. Kaspian gave him a bag of gold coins as a reward to help him for extra precautions he'd need. Sylvie transformed to a white beast & he used the money to buy a small dimension ring. Now he can cast his identity as Note & attend school as Art w/o Lucas knowing. He also requested Vincent to sponsor Elijah's schooling. Art then gave the Elderwood Beast core to his dad to help him break through his dark orange stage as Art is already in the light orange stage. It helped his dad reach the solid orange stage but the core still hasn't cracked so he gave it back to Art. Art learned it still has a beast will inside & tried to fuse w/ it. Just in time when his beast will was to devour it, he managed to stop & remembered the compatibility of elements lol. He decided to give it to elf princes Tess later on. He then went to town w/ Vincent to meet Gideon, the greatest inventor & artificer in the history of Dicathen. Despite his tactless, self absorbed & proud nature he was easily manipulated by Art who he finds a lil demon due to his cunning & indifferent nature lol. Art managed to get the truth of evidences about a new continent outside Dicadeth and 2 phoenix pendants w/ S class mana cores w/c were supposedly for the royal family in exchange for the blueprints of the ship needed by the empire to cross the ocean. Otw to the plaza, Art, Vincent & Elijah, found the rich noble students of Xyrus academy bullying a dwarf student. Vincent unable to save the bullies from Art's anger, Art made them taste their own top skills ability & lost. Princess Kathlyn intervened but Prince Curtis couldn't punish the nobles as they donate large sum of money to the kingdom & academy. Art immediately called Director Goodsky & told her to expel the nobles for racial abuse & use of lethal magic outside the academy unless she doesn't want him to attend the academy. Goodsky immediately obliged & expelled the nobles & everyone was shocked lol. The prince apologized for being swayed earlier. The princess seemed to have fallen for Art & invited him for a tea later. At the plaza, the 3 royal families decided to announce the formation of the council headed by the kings & queens of each kingdom for the exploration of the new continent. They selected 6 top mages called the lances 1 of w/c is Bairon Wykes, Lucas' half brother. Art firmly decided to strengthen himself. His sister's birthday came & he requested Gideon to make an artifact to hide 2 elemental affinity w/c also shocked him to know that Art is quadra-elemental. After the long few weeks of his return school finally started. He saw directress Goodsky on stage w/ Tess as Student council president & Lilia as secretary. Tess also became Goodsky's disciple since last year that she entered the academy.

The Max Level Hero has Returned!

Ongoing | 유도 | 2019 released

137 1st Prince Davey was in coma due to the attack of his half brother 2nd Prince Carlos. Davey is the son of the King & his commoner mother while 2nd Prince is the son of the current queen who despises him as she is greedy of power. Davey has a twin half sis & bro from the 1st concubine. King has official 1 queen & 2 concubines. 2nd concubine is assisting queen while 1st concubine remained neutral so she has no choice but to live far from the palace when she got pregnant to safely give birth to the twins & raise them away from the queen. The twins love Davey. Davey's mom already dies but during that time the King had to prioritize his position as royalty & choose the kingdom over Davey's dying mom who was poisoned by the queen. While in comma for 6 years, his soul was is the spirit realm w/ all the past heroes, legends, saints & other powerful figures of the past. In that realm his 6 years in coma is equal to 1k yrs where he went through all crazy training, death defying hardships, survival & body experiments to become a unique being w/ super natural strength & power almost like a demi-god as he can use mana, holy power, even necromancer power & talk to spirits all in 1. He was also taught by numerous legendary crazy swordsmasters. He's mega OP! Lol! After 6 yrs in coma, he's back in his weakened vegetable body in his palace w/c almost turned into a hunted house at was only managed alone by 1 loyal maid. He secretly made his body recover & activate the lessons on power he had in the spirit realm to his body to awaken & use them in w/ his real body. When he's finally strong enough to walk & all he went to the terrace to breathe fresh air & feel the sun. As he shouted silly stuff his maid freaked put seeing Davey suddenly awake & standing up from coma. The queen, the prince & other extras who are definitely under the queen's control checked-up on him. A rude, maniac & corrupt high priest even lied that due to his 6 yrs coma it won't be good for him to use his holy power on him when in fact it's just the queen's order. He even wanted to sexually abuse the maid by threatening her over Davey's life. Unbeknownst to everyone, Davey is already healed & is the most OP being ever in history! Davey immediately executed him & slashed his head thus he's even strong enough for swords battle. His palace income has been corrupted by finance staff passing the blame & jurisdiction of several matters to other departments. His palace staff were taken away by the queen where his only 1 maid gets 1/3 of her salary & managing the palace alone. Davey being OP, sly, cunning & crazy handled everything in a badass genius way lol. He pretended to stay lowkey about his powers as he detected spies & assassins sent by tge queen by spreading his mana all over his palace. He's even deprived of proper food so he catch his own food as he learned while surviving & training in spirit world. Rumors also spread of how blood crazed he's become as he use such rumor to getaway w/ killing & purging the disgusting roaches in the kingdom. Despite awakening from coma, his king father has still not granted him audience but the maid has been receiving various supplies from someone anonymous (actually the king's butler) 6 months has passed & the twins visited him to bring him to a swordsmanship event hosted by another kingdom where young teen prodigies represent their kingdoms. Before they left, the king saw them off but he did not interact w/ Davey. As the king walls away he said it was good to know that Davey was healthy. Davey really doesn't feel much for his father as he doesn't desire the throne since he knows he can do & achieve anything he wants freely instead. During the swordsmanship gathering event he killed 20 assassins easily, he humiliated a prince from another country while playing around using drunken swordsmanship taught to him by 2 of his crazy masters in SpiritRealm, & when the prince was turned into vampire by the assassin maid of the queen who seems to be the next lord of the leading black moon guild, he save the kingdom from blood polis. He awakened the god sword Kaldiras w/c was made by one of his mentors in SR, Surtur. Surtur is a legendary blacksmith who has forged magic swords w/c became national treasures & his greatest masterpiece during his prime was Kaldiras w/ was forged w/ his life force w/ made it have its own "ego" & was gifted to his friend, Hares/Haris, the legendary sword god who was also Davey's master lol. It is currenrlt in necklace form owned by the only princes of another kingdom, Elena de Falen, who hasn't even awakened it yet lol. The sword has a rude personality but was in itself amazed how he feels his former master Hares in Davey. He prayed randomly like an arrogant fool to goddess Freya (who was also his teacher lol) as he knows her personality that blesses due to god's curiosity & not god's love lol. The prayer enhanced the god sword & the immense holy power made his experiment successful to shock his magic circle & make all his 3 powers greater especially the holy power. He woke up after exhausting his strength w/ a unique & big stigmata on his back w/ no one has ever had like him (usually small on wrist) w/c the high priests deem that he is heavily favored by god even greater than saints/saintess. Only known to him, Hares' friend the demon lord was actually sealed in his sword w/c is now in her small weakened form & accompanies Davey. The stigma caused ruckus in the entire empire & when they returned in their kingdom his brother Barris & him were congratulated by his father. The king summoned Davey for one on one talk. Unlike when Davey was young, the King has been looking exhausted & lifeless like he's tired of everything according to Davey. During their talk, although unemotional, Davey asked why he disregarded his mother despite him knowing that she was not ill but poisoned. The king answered like he had to choose the safety of his people but it satisfied Davey as if the king still thinks of his mom. The king suddenly told Davey to do his best & become the next King as if having hope for the kingdom, but Davey declined & has no intention to be king. Yet Davey seems to wanna purge the kingdom to help his brother Barris as he seems to want him to be the king instead. The queen had to act as she endures the rage she has for Davey. Davey purged black moon guild & took the info about all the roaches in nobility & those under the queen & her duke families dirt. The queen suddenly suggested that Davey should go to his territory to be the Lord & make it prosperous so that she can send him away. The king surprisingly agreed but seems to have a different intention doing so. Favorable to Davey as he wants to build his own land & make it prosperous, he want to his "cursed" land were draught has been going on for so long & only 200 people remain. He helped them by using his powers to strengthen the guards, he discovered the curse to be a super jackpot treasure spirit stones w/c controls climate & he spoke w/ spirits to take seedlings of moon flower from the moon garden & planted it in his land as his 1st business w/c gave him a revenue of even greater than an annual expenditure of the kingdom in a matter of 1 harvest. He used his cunningly genius ways to manipulate & get the magicians, holy land, alchemists, academy, mercenaries, etc. to favor him vs the western region. SUPER OP!!!

A Returner's Magic Should Be Special

Ongoing | Jeon Sun-Wook,Yoo So-Nan | 2000 released

198 44-45 ML meets his friend Joad/Zod master of magic tower again for a game of chess 49 Adjest asks ML to be part of his party 52-53 Adjest shows up as Desir's 4th party member 63 Adjest teases Desir as he was mistaken as her boyfriend lol

The Great Mage Returns After 4000 Years

Ongoing | barnacle,kim deok-yong , redice studio | 2019 released

183 100+ & 184 repeat chapters of previous chapter. 105 nooooooo ricky!!!!! 73 magic missile death missile got me rolf! MC has Gintoki vibes lol. OP & funny. 10 Funny Frey says, "I'm magic missile" lol! 14-18 Frey aboard ship holds auction to save trainees lol. Defeats 5 circle lich & tells his identity to lich who couldn't believe it. Befriend Jun Peruan, academy's top student from high noble house. 28-29,33,35,47-48 Funny & badass moments 52 Funny professor Adelia wants Frey as his assistant. Frey uses Drake's heart mana to make elixir for him to reach 7star. 67 Frey won all of the repossessed artifacts of Trauman rings & seized the small & medium circles around them. 68 Frey told the high ranks of the traumen ring about his objective to make their ring the center of all existing rings. He became a rounder & fought those who object while also teaching them to improve their skills lol. 72-74 Frey follows Ivan (magic martial arts king master Kassajin's disciple) & met w/ demigod traitor Riki. Frey learned of how to kill a demigod. Riki quickly comes back after killing lightning demigod Indra. Riki & Frey agrees about Riki's idiocy lol. 76-77 petrified Ivan in front of elf queen lol. 82-83 Frey contracts Asura demon. Funny Frey & Ivan fights undead gags. 86 Frey, Ivan & disguised elf queen fights undead dragon. Funny Ivan as always. Queen teases Ivan. 88 Truth about the Blake family revealed by demigod. Ricky asked Frey to become his apostle.

The Rebirth of an 8th-Circled Wizard

Ongoing | Jari,Chleo | 2019 released

136 Henry Morris used to be an 8th circle wizard/sorcerer & built the united empire w/ his stubborn swordsman friend Golden who created the imperial swordsmanship "circle step". But time has passed & Golden's son, Silver, became the new emperor who's stupid & arrogant. Silver was selfish so he poisoned Henry & had him beheaded. At the same time a young man w/ purple hair of the same name from a Baron family used black magic but his soul is now gone & accidentally wizard Henry's soul entered the boy's body w/c is how he's reincarnated/resurrected. The boy Henry's family consist of his father who was a war veteran, his step mom & half brother. He's seen by his family as a coward that his step mom & bro would often act rude to him. Even his own servant used to not care for him. The 1st thing the revived wizard Henry did was to form his magic circle w/c he was able to do up to 3rd circle given the limit of the power his new body has. To correct the way people in the Baron House treat him he told his father that as the heir, he should be the one sent to the academy if he beats his younger half bro in a match. W/ magic he enhanced his body & skills to quickly beat his half bro. His dad was very happy to see his talent but of course his step mom was not. Kevin, his half bro, was frustrated as he has trained everyday but still failed. Henry didn't want to make enemies though as his real objective is to have his revenge on the emperor so he told his dad to give the right to enter the academy to his half bro if he pass Henry's test. Kevin obediently agreed to get a flower from a place w/ bandits w/in 6 days but that amount of time was only enough to get back & forth by concentrating w/ horse riding. The brother successfuly came back w/in 5 days all beaten up & the horse was fatigued. Henry was happy as the flower is to be used to enhance his power so he healed Kevin. He made the potion & harnessed his power w/ allowed him to reach upto 5 circle, a minimum level of a sorcerer. He has also awakened due to this so he had exponential body growth growing in height & body muscle. His family was shocked as he changed quickly overnight w/c Henry shrugged off saying when he woke up he was already like that. He also started training w/ their knights commander so he was also shocked but didn't linger on it. Henry's real goal is to become a magic knight given that his body is fit to be a knight so as to be more powerful & strong than in his OG life. He used magic to secretly practice circle step footwork but he still can't beat the commander. He decided to learn swordsmanship from his former opponent at war, Hector, who was the only who have made Golden bend down on his knees. He used black magic to call forth Hector's soul from the netherworld so at night they would train & in the morning w/ the commander. After 3 months he was able to beat the commander w/c was actually a secret condition for Henry to be allowed by his father to join the voluntary enlistment of knights so he can go to the forest of evil. The commander was very much against it but his father eventually respected his decision & gave him recommendation letter as the boarder commander was his previous superior. Henry left, joined the boarder knights where the commander greatly liked him due to his strength & ideal of being loyal to the empire (the land & citizens) but not the people (the emperor). Henry joined his class who are already in the middle of it. He asked to take the tests he missed w/c the officer find arrogant so he gave him an intermediate officer test to put Henry on his place but Henry quickly answered it half the time given & aced the exam. He also became the rank one of the class & befriended the previous rank one w/c was his room who was an adopted son of a high ranking war veteran & imperial knights. Henry joined the special forces w/ Tinnie's guidance (commander's red head secretary who likes Henry) as his objective is to move freely & raise the ranks quickly despite how dangerous the missions are. Henry became a new lieutenant replacing the "deceased" one. At first everyone didn't like him as his squad still had lingering connection to their previous lieutenant so he acted to burn his belongings in front of his subordinates to get their acts right & come at him to release all their anger. The commanders also find him arrogant being a newbie but he was able to quickly defeat a high ranking officer of the special force who can use aura despite him being unable to use one yet saying he will at the right time. The boarder knights commander was shocked but very happy to learn of this so he allowed Henry to have his 1st mission on the main town the 6th district & handed over the previous lieutenant's secret mission of hunting "black". His squad's 2nd in command was moved when Henry handed over the previous lieutenant's belongings w/c he actually didn't burn & took their halted squad's mission re "black" seriously. Henry told him to have their acts right the next day as they will begin to investigate from scratch re "black" as their clues are not really helpful Henry called forth Hector's soul to say that they will not be able to train for some time due to his mission. Hector told Henry to just ask witnesses as it would be more efficient so Henry tried to call the previous lieutenant's soul from netherworld but his attempts were not successful so he decided to call forth a deceased squad member & there he got some clues. The squad started their search & was moved that despite their fatigue Henry was still eager to find clues re "black". Unbeknownst to them, Henry actually has another reason for his eagerness as finding the "mushroom" was a clue to find Henry's treasure w/c he buried in his OG life lol! Henry was able to find black who was actually Clever, the last survivor of the mimics tribe spirit who takes over living bodies of people or animals & use their bodies. Henry made black his subordinate & brought back the previous lieutenant. The whole forces/infantry was moved & said they saw him in the wrong light & changed their attitude quickly in a snap. Clever has become very obedient to Henry. Clever changed its form to a white cat with blue & yellow/gold eyes. Henry also found out the cucumber is a high stimulant for Clever. Clever guided him to where the mushrooms are. Henry successfully found his treasure, the heart of the venom tribe, w/c makes him immune to all sorts of poison & turns his blood to venom. He ate the heart & took the deadly poison the emperor used on him to stop his magic in OG life & the venom was successful. He still couldn't use aura w/ frustrates him but Hector thought that due to Henry's unnatural strength he has yet to encounter a life threatening situation but once he awakens his innate aura he would be enormously stronh. He's deeply proud but sure that his guidance will allow Henry to wield his aura easily one it has awaken. An officer asked what will happen as former lieutenant Carter is now back & will heal w/in a year. Henry told his commander & superior that he only planned to stay for 1 year as it was the requirement for enlistment. Everyone was shocked as Henry has made their fort recognized for their current accomplishments. Henry was given a 3 star medal w/c can distinguish him as a high level knight & a special figurine w/c allows him to be granted one wish by the commander when he needs it. Henry went to Vivaldi, the pleasure city, to gain money. Henry showed his medal & was given the black card for VIPs. He went to the current Mayor Vante who's undefeated in chess for 10 years. Brent was shocked to hear his name again as he died. Henry revealed himself as Henry's 2nd disciple, Vante being 1st. Henry defeated him quickly as he is actually the one who invented the game. He took 10k gold but not his title since it's also an unofficial match. Henry knows Brent's pride & cowardice so w/ the money he told himself that he'd forgive Brent for not accepting his request to take care of his people in OG life. Henry joined the swordsmanship competiton to gain more money & enact his goal to get his knights. The admin was shocked that he's a lieutenant but already has 3 stars medal. He bet on himself while baiting to be low rank & beating high rank swordsmen. He was able to tale over the ten million gold arena by putting thr owner, Ten, in debt. Now he has Vivaldi in his hands as he has Ten & Mayor Vante in his palm. He was also able to take Ban, his former right hand & former imperial master swordsman. Now he has his guild, established a pact between 2 free cities w/ highest taxes, & partnered w/ Ten to conquer the continent thru money & power.

The Abandoned Empress

Complete | Ina, yuna | 2000 released
2020-09-30 11:33 marked