Ken's manga / #love(111)


Complete | Ker | 2017 released
2020-07-22 13:51 marked

Love Is An Illusion

Complete | Fargo | 2000 released
2020-07-23 17:07 marked


Doctor Elise

Complete | Mini,Yuin | 2000 released

COMPLETED. Ending kind of a let down. Just the wedding then they turned it to modern times like 2 modern Korean Lise & Linden meeting while touring at historical spot about Lise & Linden 150 years after. Kind of a bummer & not fitting ending. Eeek. No kids story, no Mil story. No loving husband & wife story. Tsk tsk. Mil is so funny & adorbs!!! Love 2nd brother Chris! SC 75/78-91 sweet handsome smile prince 93-122... (119 look for other sources) 48 crown prince Linden admitted to himself that he loves Elise. 97-98 prince goes to Elise' house at night! Sweet huh & kiss on forehead & nose!!! 100 Suave effortless/sudden but super romantic prince confession of his love to Elise! Elise acknowledged she feels the same way!!! 101-102 Lise suddenly tells crown prince "i love you" during parade & Prince 1st time kiss her on the lips, in public!!! Kyaaa!!! 103-104 Prince's heart aches for missing Lise!!! Kisses her on the lips 2x!!! KYAAAAA!!! 107 prince Linden kidnapped Lise lol. Kiss in carriage kyaaaa! 108 holding hands walking in a small town. 109 Linden & Lise shares a room. Sleeps together on bed like back in the war. 110 Festival date. 111-112 Elise drinks w/ Linden in their room. Drunk Lise kisses Linden. Linden pushed to his limits, kissed Lise neck as he lay her in bed but drunk Lise already fell asleep LOL! 113 Linden proposed to Lise! Goes to his mom & sis grave alone at night. Tells about Lise his love & his revenge soon to those who set them up. 115 Linden visits Lise in her office saying they will do work but tries to make her stay beside him to cuddle again lol. Lise trips & falls above Linden on the couch but stopped by emergency dual surgery due to gun shots. 119 Elise comforts Linden for current health of emperor & a lot on his mind. 120 Mil & genius doc Baron Graham de Fallon heart broken but wishes Elise her happiness as they try to wash their sorrows away. Lise & Linden engagement ceremony. Suave romantic bold flirty lines of Linden. Says Lise is so pretty to the point that he wants to marry her right there & then lol kyaaa! 124 Elise visit Linden currently detained in white tower. Elise thinks of a gamble operation. 125 Elise's miraculous gamble operation to save the emperor. Linden gives approval to save emperor as he trusts Elise. 126 Linden kisses & hugs Elise in hospital hallway. Elise awarded w/ the title of Count at age 18! 127 Lise receives the Royal Cross that will pardon any sins for 1 generation. The evolution of coins to paper money! 130 Linden tells Lise that she doesn't need the holy cross for him to forgive her. No matter how horrible her sin may be in the future he will always forgive her. 132 Mil confesses his love to sleeping hostage Lise. Lise wakes up & stops Mil. Hugs crying Mil & proposes a solution for Mil not needing to kill Linden. 133-134 Lise goes to Linden & asks him to let Mil & his relatives live. 137-139 Count Childe reflects on Lise's requests. Goes to the white tower & apologizes to Linden. Enraged Linden. Count thinks of how Linden's mom could have suffered & how he's gonna live his last few mos. Count jumps from the tower like the late empress. Dies with a peaceful look. Linden enraged & irrational wants to behead aristocratic faction & almost beheaded mentally ill mom of Mil. Lise stops him in time. Linden cries as he's full of hatred. Lise comforts him & Linden retracts his order to Chris & thinks of a way to resolve it better. Makes a deal with Mil to banish him & his mom instead of killing them. 140 Linden dissolve aristocratic faction & made them swear loyalty to hime. Linden now emperor. Lise & Linden see him off at the harbour. 141 Chris & Childe lady, Doc Baron Greyham/Graham & apprentice young doctor back in war. Lise & Linden, now called by his childhood nickname "Ron". 142 Date near the ocean. Seems like they did "it" since she said she can't seem to walk lol! Wedding! Elise was originally a wicked girl. She was spoiled & was engaged to the prince but was sentenced to death due to her evil behavior & reincarnated on earth. On Earth, she was orphaned as a child but became a genius doctor-surgeon. During one of her flights the plane was about to crash & she remembered her previous life wishing how she could have been good to people & families around her. She then reincarnated back to her original body as Elise 10 years prior the the prince sentencing her to death. She now wants to live her life righteously to avoid the future events, the bad ones & medical diseases, that will cause the fall of her loved ones, the empire & the ones that will lead to her death. She started by making a deal with the King, who loves her dearly like his own daughter, to break off the engagement with the prince as she was never loved by the prince originally & to avoid their connection for her to be sentenced to death. (The prince always says, both in the past & when asked by others, that marrying Elise was only because he followed his father's order but when Elise tried to call off the engagement in her 2nd life, the Prince said "who told you that I was forced to this engagement?" Seems like he liked the attention he was getting when Elise used to pester him in their childhood) She stated she wanted to become a doctor & she trained under the genius Baron doctor. At first, she was regarded as just a noble riding on silver spoon but during her training as a doctor she has performed numerous miraculous deeds in the field of medicine that has yet to be discovered during this era. She has helped the war & epidemics so the King was unable to deny her as part of their deal. (As time went by, the prince saw her sincerity.)

Ai ga Nakuccha, Komarimasu!

Ongoing | Touko ikura | 2019 released

This Is An Obvious Fraudulent Marriage Webtoon

Ongoing | Bak hedam,Jade,Pear juice | 2019 released

10/10 love this! Kalied super hottie! Submissive but bad boy ugh love him! Red eyes black hair OP! Kawaii babies. SCs: 7,8,22,27,28,33,36,39-41, 47, 50, 51, 58, 60-65, 69-74, 76, 78, 80-96, 99, 101-107 20ish ons ML announced as new archduke & Lord of Sophen kingdom 31ons ML learns to cook for FL. ML & FL's past: 40-42,46-49,52,53 Emperor(×Percil): 50,51,53 36-40 FL & ML sweet moments! FL asks ML for kiss to showcase to retainers, ML brings FL to room lol! ML hears & misunderstands FL who uses ML's name saying he loves money more than FL to scare corrupt staff. ML devastated thinking that's how FL actually sees her but truth is ML lets FL have free reign over his money. ML decided it wasn't enough & need to show off. He secretly started finishing the gem palace for FL. FL overhears noble ladies gossip about her & ML about misunderstanding on jewels but shocked to hear about ML's unknown action of cooking her every meal & calling best jewellers to make her ceremony necklace. FL sees ML cooking & made him do the salt sprinkle move lol! kyaaaaa! 43 Hot ML buys FL 3 wardrobes full of new clothes per season & jewels! Also builds jewel palace called margherita for FL in secret! 39-42ons ML & FL confess to each other & finally becomes real lovers & ends contract! kyaaaa!!! 46-49 steamy seductive ML! Kyaaa!!! ML confesses he can't kiss yet because of the poison in his body & the culprit behind the bear as he uses them for experiment on his blood lol (later they will find out it actually won't affect FL cos she's star fragment lol! the sufferings they had to endure for nothing lol!) Funny FL about misunderstandings & crazy conclusions re ML kissing bear lol! 47 ML's power. FL stans ML as a god lol! 48 FL confesses to ML about her reincarnation. Kawaii flustered ML sweet moment! Kyaaa!!! 50-52 Stand×FL 54-55 Arabella×Schu/Stand 56 FL sees ML's naked body in the shower lol! 57-58 Schu/Stand learns that Bella is Earth God lol! 56-58 FL goes to her fief alone as she's afraid being the fragment of star, she might cause ML's death by being near him a lot (misunderstanding/wrong assumption lol). ML secretly follows FL & looks after her at night. 58 ML secretly sees FL's letter to him. States how she recalls seeing his body in the shower & how awesome he is for having such big schlong lol!!! 65&73 Arabella & Shu/Stand kyaaa!!! Arabella is pregnant!!! No sizzling scenes though ugh! 68-73 kyaaaa!!! 69-70 ML & FL 1st kiss on the lips!!! Lotsa hot public sweet kiss moments! 80 kyaaaaa 1st fail love making attempt 85 kyaaaa finally they made out! no intimate visuals though ugh! ML is a known killer as strong as a beast who'd kill for the empire (He has inhuman strength & has magical powers). He is also the guild leader of nine knights/nights, a guild with a front of being the most powerful intelligence source but is actually a guild for the benefit of the empire. FL who is in need to get married in order to get her title as a countess commisioned the guild to look for a marriage partner for 1 year contract who is a baron or lower. ML upon meeting FL was intrigued with her & put his own profile on the marriage candidates on a whim. He was surprised as FL chose his profile as she finds him very hot. FL was surprised to know that ML was the guild leader & his blonde hair was just a disguise. Seeing ML's natural black hair she finds him 100× hotter in person than in picture. FL can't read perfectly as she was reincarnated so she didn't take serious notice of ML's name being the known empire killer. Later on when the 2 has already signed the marriage papers & went to the empire's ball to debut as a couple the emperor's attendant announced ML's new title as archduke & the new owner the of Sophen, the kingdom where FL's fief is. Although it's part of ML's scheme to be with FL longer & monopolize her, he also genuinely did so in order to help FL have more authority in her land. ML has actually fallen in love with FL. ML has inhuman & montrous strength that he has to take deadly sedatives (which a drop could kill regular human) in order to stop his killing urges but surprisingly FL's presence hs freater impact than his sedative. Even with sedatives he can hear birds on top of a clock tower miles away but just with FL's presence he can only hear both their heartbeats which calms him & makes him sleep well. FL half scared thinks of a way to invalidate their contract but since ML is friends with the emperor, he hs already used the royal stamp to prepare all legal documents for their contract to be valid despite the descrepancy of being a former baron & now an archduke. FL half okay with it anyways as he really loves how hot ML is but half thinking of how to survive lol. Unbeknownst to FL all the rumors & thoughts she has of ML manipulating her were all actually ML's real feelings. She thinks of herself as a squid/octopus besides the hot ML but she's actually the very first person ML was attracted to & interested with. The sedative in form of cigar was actually invented by Stand. Stand is FL's distant relative whom she considers as her brother but Stand actually fell in love with FL since they were young & truly wanted to marry her. When FL openly rejected his father's announcement of marriage in front of Stand out of the thought of disgust to marry a relative, Stand secretly runaway. The emperor found Stand & fould relate to Stand's circumstances as the emperor who's already 32+ but has a bishounen baby face loves his head maid Princess Percil, a former princess of a kingdom he conquered, but she keeps on rejecting the emperor lol. Stand decided to become more powerful in order to present himself better & propose to FL. Using some of the knowledge from FL's stories when they were young (though he doesn't believe she came from another world) he used it to improve the empire's system & with the cigar invention as it helps keep ML in check, the emperor quickly made him the prime minister. Upon knowing that FL is already married with ML & w/ all the rumors how FL can tame ML, the emperor planned to check out the couple but ML threw a fork between the emperor's fingers out annoyance of being disturbed w/ their couple time lol! Stand verified if ML's feeling were real. ML confirmed & warned Stand not to get in their way if he doesn't wanna die but Stand warned ML back that he may kill FL instead as the deadly sedative is in his bodily fluids & blood. Thus, any intimate contact between them will harm FL.

Kazoku Ni Narouyo

Complete | KURAHASHI Tomo | 2016 released

My Fair Footman

Complete | isia,tails | 2000 released

Your wish is my command

Complete | Sagold | 2000 released

9-11 Childhood friends. Chiwoo's family used to be a tenant of Hwan's mom. Just when Hwan was lonely of losing his dad, Chiwoo arrived & Hwan liked him since the 1st time they met. Suddenly due to Chiwoo's dad's work they had to move. During their move their car had an accident & Chiwoo's parents died. Hwan's mother took in the orphaned Chiwoo & Hwan was very happy as they are now inseparable. As they grew up Chiwoo started realizing how he likes Hwan. One night they were drunk and did it which hastened Chiwoo's decision to move out as he also don't want to burden Hwan's single mom after all those years of raising him. Chiwoo got a package with a magical plush named sunny which will grant his wish if he makes a contract with him. Chiwoo wishes to date and be with Hwan (unbeknownst to Chiwoo that Hwan likes him & obsessed with him since they were little). Later would Chiwoo know that Hwan was also contracted with moony, another plushy like sunny. Although it seems like Hwan & moony are doing evil deeds? Not sure as plot still hasn't revealed it but Hwan is totally crazy possessive of Chiwoo.

Hima na no de Hajimete Mimasu.

Complete | Sakyou Aya , SAKYO Aya | 2000 released
2021-01-04 20:22 marked

I'm the Ex-Girlfriend of a Soldier

Ongoing | Song Seorim, Noksi, Jihyun, SETE | 2019 released

(2,3,5,7,10,16,19,21,26,37,41,43,45,46,55,63) 64