182 lightnovelpub.com 180 ons or even before the tl is so trashy. mixed pages & repeated chapters. Read til 226 at mahuascans. Team's entry to regionals? battle.
304 (360, 361, 364, 366, 367 361 1st time making out.... 452 &456- browsed in advance. Already kissing & made out 456 in military setting. Don't know the story why it transitioned to that.)
261-263 ML realizes he really likes FL (even if he still doesn't know she's a real girl. He thinks she's just a effeminate man & looked really good dressed up as a girl lol)
258 ML kisses FL kyaaa!!!
257-260 masquerade ball
157,159,162... 114-150ish random flirty moments
National School Prince Is A Girl