Moujuu School Days
Ep 1. - Dude. No. That is just- Dude. Ep 2. - Weeeell. Still not ok. But good job holding back. Ep 3. - You... didn't? I think you didn't. If you didn't then good. It's not ok to force him, man. Ep 4. - ... *sigh* Well, first of all, you can't expect Jin to not sleep with anyone else. There is not a word about it in your deal. Also 'you are just playing with me'? Are you kidding me? There wasn't even one implication that he isn't. He clearly said that he is actracted to your body only. How exactly is it not 'only playing with you'? You sir, are an idiot. Also Jin, that is called rape. Ep 5. - ok, not rape, you are just a moron. Ok, otherwise i don't have anything else to say. You are both so stupid it's playing on my nerves. Ep 6. - Well, although it's cute that you are together and all, Jin should still have at least a little consideration to what Shinaka wants. If Shinaka wants to keep their relationship secret, he should understand a little and not yell it at whole school. Idiot. What if he has a family that is not understanding and it would get to them? This manga is a little unpremeditated. But well, not horrible or anything.
Nani Ka Ii No Mitsuketa!