The Symbiotic Relationship Between the Rabbit and the Black Panther
136 nothing interesting is happening
How to Get My Husband on My Side
Sadistic Beauty BL Sidestory
I liked it, it's a psychological horror yaoi with a lot of r*pe. I didn't like the bashing done by the translator, stil thanks for the English version. Criticism is good and all but maybe do it in the comments like the rest of us. Lolita is a great example of similar story telling when all the normal readers realize it's horrible and sick but that's the point of the story too. I think there's a lot of good examples of abuse in this story and the main character even verbalised them. Spoilers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The ending is obviously about trauma bonding and feeling so isolated and alone that you'd rather stay with your abuser, or they might realise upon seeing him run to him crying that if he left he would be stalked and kidnapped again. We don't see the main character happy and they even say to the abuser that they don't really like them that much. I felt there was a lot of different aspects in the story. It's not a love story, it's not a sex story and I don't think its supposed to be criticised as if it was.
The Precious Sister of The Villainous Grand Duke