Cat's manga / #Excited to see the rest(3)

Genshin Comic Anthology

Ongoing | -cover illustration,Arutera あるてら,Aku あく / azuma kohji 東 皓司 / amami yayuki 雨宮結生 / gyouza nuko 餃子ぬこ /,Kyo zip 狂zip / kurono yuu 黒野ユウ / koyukomu コユコム / sofura そふら /,Takahara yu 高原 由 / hattori masaki はっとりまさき / manarou まなろう/ inui ゐぬゐ | 2019 released

My Fiance is in Love with My Little Sister

Ongoing | Hanabusa,Mashiro | 2019 released

Personally I think this should have a higher rating than 9.0. I have been sobbing and crying uncontrollably while reading this. First time ever commenting on a manga because this is truly well written and done. I wish there was more mangas like this