Kyou, Hana No Gotoshi
5.5/10. Three stories, two of the the same universe. here was no buildup to any of the relationships. Everyone arbitrarily fell in love with each other immediately. Good premise, bad execution. Forgettable characters. Attempted nonconsensual sex in all 3 stories. Not recommended.
Yondaime Ooyamato Tatsuyuki
8.0/10. Yakuza. Interesting, refreshing plot. Interesting characters. Heavy drama. Sexual coercion. Non-consensual sex. Beautiful art. Recommended, but with reservations.
Kaichou-kun no Shimobe
Hilarious af. Little to no character development. Random at times. Resolution is lacking abd ending seems rushed and arbitrary. Likeable characters.
Sugar Code
Anesan Countdown!
8.0/10. Cute and funny. Likeable characters. Character development.Quick progression. Recommended.
Heart Strings