Kimi ga Koi ni Midareru
Kiss Ja Tomaranai!
7.0/10. Childhood friends. Interesting characters and dynamics of the relationship. Uke is sexually assaulted left and right (que pique). Not a serious read. Random climax. Hilarious ending. Only redeeming scene is when they went on a trip and talked about life. Not likely to be recommended.
Michizure Policy
8.5/10. Well-executed plot. Healthy relationship, though not without hitting a few bumps here and there. Realistic themes and emotions. Conflict and resolution are handled realistically (except for the issue regarding the ex, which did not have complete closure). Recommended.
Twin's Labyrinth
6.5/10. Main stories are cute. The other ones are easily forgettable. Consensual sex (except for one story, implied attempted noncon in another). Nice art. Cliche plot with no substance, though entertaining enough. Recommended only for a light read and for moe (lol).
Hachimitsu Darling
9.0/10. Nice plot. The characters' relationship was built up over time. Well-paced. Likeable characters. THEY HAVE AN ADORABLE CAT. Character development. Consensual sex. Highly recommended.
Kyou, Hana No Gotoshi
5.5/10. Three stories, two of the the same universe. here was no buildup to any of the relationships. Everyone arbitrarily fell in love with each other immediately. Good premise, bad execution. Forgettable characters. Attempted nonconsensual sex in all 3 stories. Not recommended.
Soko Ni Suwaru Na
9.5/10. Favourite author. Realistic themes and emotions. Consensual sex. Interesting, perfectly flawed characters. Well-paced build up of relationship. A bit anticlimactic sometimes. Highly recommended.
Yuri!!! On Ice Dj - Muishiki No Zero Centimetre
Mad Cinderella