Like A Fever Dream
ongoing - lezhin
Between Us Now
ongoing -lezhin
A First of Summers
ongoing - lezhin
Homerun Hearts
21 Chapters - lezhin
Love is an Illusion! - Superstar
ongoing - lezhin
For My Weirdo
3 characters all connected by uke. uke's family is involved with a shady construction company, pull funds to get uke cello lessons, force him to practice so he is perfect and a genius. seme is the ceo of a big company, when he comes back from studying abroad, his parents die when the resort they were meeting at collapses. the cause was due to uke's dad's shitty construction. meanwhile uke's dad has been taking out loans in uke's name to support their lifestyle. now that the truth is revealed that their company caused the accident, uke's parents commit suicide. uke feels guilt because he overheard his dad doing shady business stuff but didn't say anything. uke is approached by loan shark and is told he is responsible for his family's debt, continues to pile on debt to go to music school because cello is the only thing he has left but he hates it. has sex with loan shark in exchange for paying down the debt. is extremely suicidal due to guilt. meanwhile seme has kind of watched over uke from afar. he felt empathy for him and somehow develops feelings for him. finally when uke seems completely at the end of his rope, seme approaches him and this whole story gets in motion. uke gets fuccccked up emotionally and physically. tries to kill himself constantly. motivations for the male leads are confusing. thankfully ends with uke happy and with seme in a healthy situation.
Love is Like the Weather Forecast