A Strange Joke
Sweet Home
i cried at the end, pretty much leaves on a cliffhanger. I expected this, and the ending (somewhat) no need to reread, would probably make me depressed
Dine With a Vampire
man, vampires, amirite?
Angel Buddy
im crying as im writing this, just note if you ever wanna reread that you will probably cry. Not sure, since you usually don’t cry when rereading but still possible assuming i didnt just cry only at the end, i cried at the beginning of the end.
The God of Pain's Groom
im literally sobbing dont reread this its for your mental health. Rare story where the second male lead takes the protag. It’s so good but plays a lot into the idea of gods, infinity and especially finite lives. Even for gods. man heart is literally broke ill have to read a cute one after this, i hate being reminded about death
Dance with the Devil
such a nice artstyle, great story, i cried like its so fucking sad and touches on topics that make me SOB reminds me of the manga with the gods and the humans yknow, reincarnation and such would reread but dude did this one hurt
Shounen No Kyoukai
dont reread, its best you forget. But, truly, this is one of the best 5 stars i’ve read. however, it will remind you of things you want to forget. please forget this once.
I will be waiting for you in 1999