An absolute work of art! I love the story and I can't wait for more uploads and character development. Something I like about this manga is that the roles of alpha and omega are switched. The omegas are strong and handsome and they radiate Top energy; while the alphas seem softer and more gentle. Its a nice change and I hope more omegaverse authors can create stories like this one!
Love Bite
If you are looking for a yaoi that will piss you off to the point where you start yelling at the characters like they can hear you then by all means ... Read this manga because it is amazing and soooo wonderfully written. Its frustrating but I honestly couldn't stop reading it! I finished is in a few hours....so yeah read this!
Like a Tidal Wave - from Pheromone Shower
Loved it! I will definitely be reading it again!
Sadistic Beauty
It was hawt hawt hawt!
This was such a good BL! The drama didn't last 10 chapters which I loved. The spicy scenes were hawt and overall I couldn't stop reading! Gr8 job Author!
Keeper of the Pearl