Miyazawa Subaru - Amase Togo
Miyazawa Subaru is a designer, who thanks to the recommendation from his planetarium creator friend, managed to get a job to work on a pamphlet for one of the planetarium's event. What's more, the event involves Amase Togo, a photographer he really admires who specializes in taking pictures of starry skies. In that event, they had their ethereal meeting.
This is so beautiful. Stars, Subaru and Toga - a good combination isn't it? I'm so happy reading this because I knew, in the back of mind, I've always yearned this kind of romance. To be photograped beautifully by your lover, what a romantic thing to experience and in this manga, they've gone beyond just romantic. It was out of this world.
1000000 - 1000000 This manga is literally the dream I wanted to experience.
After Staring at the Starry Sky