Riku Kurobuchi - Touma Shishigaya
In a world where demi-beasts and humans co-exist, Riku Kurobuchi, a panther demi-beast, finds himself facing a dilemma. He is sociable, good looking, talented at sports, and popular with girls, but for some reason he still hasn't experienced his "heat" like everyone else. After an unexpected transfer, he begins sharing his dorm room with the mature and handsome albino lion demi-beast, Touma Shishigaya. Riku wants to keep his secret hidden from the confrontational Touma, but it's Touma's pheromones that bring about Riku's first heat.
The Ahegao is strong in this one lol. Both of them are suffering from erectile dysfunction hshs, they can't get up if it wasn't with each other. Cute
Playboy Beast