The Guy She Was Interested in Wasn't a Guy At All
Yamatoha koi no Mahoroba
Ch.8 Cute, all here for the cutey patutey (the gurl)(*'▽'*)
Ore Wa Busamen - Neko Tsudzuri
Done Ch.9 Loved it so much
Ookami wo Katte imasu
Done? Ch.7 Very good, the plot is great. It kinda makes me sad that the uke and the seme (in the parallel) won’t be apart of each other’s lives but I’m also happy that the parallel “UKE” chose the girl cuz I felt so bad for her in the original, and the parallel “SEME” chose the guy. because that would mean there aren’t any second male/female leads. And you know very well I hate those tropes, so I just reeeeaaalllyyy appreciate this manga. And also because it’s nice that there are more couples rather than just having one in each worlds because it’s more realistic to me and I feel that the original charas and the parallel charas aren’t the same people you know?(that’s why I’m not really that sad) They’re different and they’ve got lives. It’s weird if they suddenly just change their lovers just because the other world is like that.
Nyaight of the Living Cat
Ch.12.6 The best thing that’s happened since sliced bread baby!~~
"The Villainess" and The Woman Who Would Do Anything for the Sake of Love
Ch.3.5 Destiny says nay until she grows wings~~~ :> which is sad, because she only grew it after a houndred times plus… :( but hey, atleast she still grew wings in the end!~~
The Princess of Sylph
Stitch You Together
Ch.4 Very cute and very sad ヽ(;▽;) cha.4: DEPRESSION. WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT TO ME?? well, at least they can be zombies together now (´°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥▽°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥`)
Shirokuma Yakuza to Akujiki Hime