Jigokuraku (KAKU Yuuji)
I think this is an all time favourite, hope they will do an second season for the anime, but so satisfying the end... Although the villain's ending with the whole pawns thing was an escape route to make it easier... Didn't convince me, loved the protagonistssssss
Pearl Boy
You can really see the effort in the storyboard and storytelling, it's perfect, no scene is useless, although the start felt more comical it took another turn later on, loved the character development, and the crude atmosphere made it wow, now waiting for the side stories
Cold-Blooded Beast
The Snake with two dick had me xD well, it was an okay story, the characters have developed great communication wow such green flags, anyways still 4 stars cause didn't get me going as other did
A Trace of the Wonder
Dungeon series, honestly good premises, good character development, just the dialogues between the main characters at the start were very off, got amazing in the end with the suicidal attempt, well, very good story
Oni no Esa ja Arimasen