A Trace of the Wonder
Dungeon series, honestly good premises, good character development, just the dialogues between the main characters at the start were very off, got amazing in the end with the suicidal attempt, well, very good story
Love in Kitsch
This is a comfort read ALSO the memento Mori tattoo is soooo HOT
Omega Complex
This is another comfort read, super warm, maybe it did drag a bit after they got together, anyways, where's the kiddddd????
Hosaka-San to Miyoshi-Kun
I Hope hisaka Is not stalking Miyoshi back caus that'd be too manipulative, it's already bad as it is but Miyoshi is such a CUTIEPIE I WANNA EAT HIM UP Vol 2 https://mangatoto.com/chapter/2456755
This is just beautiful and in the last chapter finally some bittersweet development, MY HEART
Romance, But Not Romantic
This seems written by mascareto I loved it, so fluffy
Simplified Pervert Romance