Kimi Ga Kawaii Riyuu
oneshot about two guys in puberty experimenting "lewd things" with each other. very cute, not cliche, amazing art.
Darlin', Iikagen ni Shiya Gare
farm guy with cool hair takes care of half japanese guy who just moved to the countryside. hes scared of falling in love with him, and no proper communication (bro just talk things out pls) causes some fights, but they end up together.
Kazoku Ni Narouyo
kind of sequel or a side story to Itsuka koi ni naru made, a story about two friends jerking each other off and becoming lovers. their best friend and biggest supporter loves traveling and disappears from time to time. she suddenly comes back with a kid, asking them to take care of it.
Soshite Boku wa Koi wo Shiru
young guy starts working in a bakery with his older crush (who turns out to be a good fighter). the young guy is the top too
Mitsumete, Yurarete, 15-bu
what. nothing really happened, just two dudes having a crush on each other from a distance. high school dude x train dude
Link and Ring
aww how cute. feel like this is the most natural development in a relationship that ive ever read. two college students fall in love after one of the guys giving the other a pen. turns out they both like some cute cat toys, but only one of them are brave enough to not care about what people thinks. they learn so much about each other. nice story, nice art.
Kitaru Harekake no Ashita yo
handy guy who fix things for a living gets an unusual order. to fix a boy. he doesnt ask, realizing theres a story behind. they end up living together. "youre the only thing i cant fix" very cute story
Day Off