Lillemy's manga / #Smut(114)

The Love of a naive Baseball Boy

Ongoing | Rai yaezaki | 2019 released

Home (TSUYUKI Yuruko)

Complete | Tsuyuki yuruco | 2018 released

author meets a kid in his garden. they become attached to each other, and tho the kid moves overseas, they can't forget about each other (only the kid does so in a romantic way). but the kid comes back! and they develop a new relationship, because they both need to accept that they're both adults. very cute

Straight-kun to Gesu

Complete | U | 2000 released
2022-03-03 19:22 marked

kinda creepy guy working at an av store had his eyes on straight, tired dude who needed to borrow an av because man really needed to get off bro. an accident (straight dude picked a random av, guess what, its gay) leads to the creep kinda raping the straight guy? i dunno

Golden Sparkle

Complete | suzumaru minta | 2000 released

guy, scared of women, knows very little about sex. he goes to an all boys school and another guy teaches him to masturbate. they obviously end up fucking. also, amazing art.


Complete | ORISHIMA Yupopo | 2015 released

story 1: gloomy guy with a smell fetish lives with energetic guy. they become fuckbuddies because the gloomy loves the others smell. they have feelings for each other, but they are very different and hey communication is difficult story 2: fox demon or smth and innocent boy. dont remember clearly. something about the countryside

Sentimental Lovers

Ongoing | Yeonu | 2000 released
2022-03-27 09:21 marked

Boku Wa Kimi Dake No Mono

Complete | USUI Iroha | 2021 released
2022-03-29 20:34 marked


Complete | Fujoking | 2016 released
2022-04-02 12:58 marked

guy tricks guy into believing he is his female friend turned into a man (he is her cousin). they end up sleeping together and living together.