No Holes Barred
I like stories with strong fem leads but this is not it at all the my girl is a bitch you think she just dom fem that hides how she is in bed but that's all wrong. Then when the drama start's ass the brown hair guy gets treated like as after chapter 37 when I read that chapter I felt sad for him because she just throws him away thing trash but then more drama starts and he gets treated like trash again but that time it was his fault but it was it even that bad but for me, the brown hair guy is the best boy they just did him wrong like they didn't even give him a happy ending . MY BEST OPTION DO NOT TRY TO READ THIS FIND SOMETHING ELSE
Hoezura ni Kamitsuku Kisu
Warm Wedding
Plz Read the comments before reading; When I tell you this story bad I mean bad Main guy is shit. He switch so much he goes form Sweet to dog shit in like 2 chapters he doesn't really start caring about his wife until the middle to end of the story so have fun reading like 150+ chapters of bullshit .He just ass all around I am not even going to get start on the white hair girl that doesn't even deserve a name . Just plz find something else to read
Daytime Star
If you like this story which you should go watch skip Beat it just like this
If You Don't Want to Die
️ Warning Spoilers ️ They didn't have to do mullet daddy like that like what the fuck we can't have again like I understand it's a revenge Manhwa but they could have at least let us keep mullet daddy
Do-S Idol Seishorigakari Stage Ura de Ai wo Sosogareru Tada Hitori no Onna