Ethingan's manga / #Need more development!(1)

Kiss the Bride

Complete | ZIG,Myeolchi | 2018 released

Seme is an arrogant selfish jerk and treats the uke like trash for most of the story. Even when they were younger and the seme was a lot nicer the seme made a point that he would not bend down to pick up tennis balls because it was somehow beneath him, so the uke had to do it himself. Would have been nice to see seme actually be humble and considerate for once. He's also mad that he has to stay faithful during only one year of their contractual relationship. Very little character development. Felt very rushed. Would have needed some chapters from some's POV or something. Hard to believe he actually likes the uke and will happily stay faithful from now on. Had potential though and the art is nice. One big positive is that the seme is actually quite considerate during sex. He goes down on the uke and sees to that he feels good, and even says he doesn't need it back because it would hurt ute's jaw (such a humble brag lol but still). Poin to self: 25!?, 34!?