Everyday is a Good Day
dear heavenssss this was too adorable, beautiful, amazing, spectacular, gorgeousss, my eyes are literally fountainss rn THIS WAS JUST SOOO SHHDHDHDBDHD it was so calm and serene, and it was your typical yaoi plot where you have the dead sister, a traumatized good boi child, and the protagonist, but whats so great abt them is that they are healthy, the progressions with appi and toki's relationship as well grew, and they just became so soft im so happy i read that that was so clean and cute and fluffy, mannnn GOOD STUFF, even with the typical plot i have no regrets fr
Boku no Papa to Papa no Hanashi
GANSBAKSJSJISAKWHWNUSJSUEEUEUEUEUUEUEUEUEUEEUUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUUEEU im in TEARSS IZOGOOD UEUEUEUEUEUEUEUUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUE IM SAD UEUEUEUEU see i was scared this because i knew i was gonna be sad ueueueueueueuueueue they are so cutie ueueueueheueuue they make me so happy ueueueueuueueueueueue the cherry on top of all bad things in life heueeueueueueue i will protect them from any harm in this wolrd, they are the light from the end of the tunnel! yeaaaaaa family yaois SCARE me eapecially when it involves children, you know why,,, because they will be the most WHOLESOME THING UVE EVER READ AND IT WILL BE SO SAD IT WILL MAKE U CRIIII EUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUUEEUUEUEUEUE proteecc thy bb bois, put in a pocket and love them ueueueeyuee
Gin no Kutsu