Hebi no Seikatsu
2nd Story features Beta who solicits omega at a sex club to take revenge on him having slept with his alpha wife
Mou Ichido, Nando Demo
The Inheritance of Aroma
Child of mistress moves in to rich family home, meeting his new brother for the first time. His "brother" tells him not to touch the door or enter because he will taint it. The dynamic between the brothers develops into a twisted love story between the two, initiated after the mistress's child has sex with him disguised as the wife of his brother.
Taming the Tiger
Tragic end, but ends with 10-chapter after story of them reincarnated and remembering their past lives
The Night Sun
This was just sad and made my heart hurt. Full Spanish: https://lectormanga.lat/biblioteca/la-oscuridad-que-apaga-el-sol/
Rift (Conro)