Love is an Illusion! - Superstar
That green hair girl's so dam annoying
I'm Mediocre ♂, But I'm Loved in A Different World Anthology Comics
bookmarks c5"If u ever run away again, then I'll kill kana-san, and then I'll kill myself." yeah, typical Japanese mindset.
Romantic Joutou
no words can express how much I loath that self-centered, narcissist alpha and how stupid that dick whore is.
Kashikomarimashita, Destiny
bookmarks c3I'm way too bitter to understand the concept behind their so-called 'destiny' c5I LOVE MIYAUCHI c9it's like "his happiness is my happiness (and so is his sorrow)" EUEUEUEUEUE c12EUEUERGUEGEUE REN-CHAN DONT CRY, IM CRYING IM SO HAPPY FOR MIYA-CHII kudo and miya-chii really are made for each other. Kudo had a trauma where he was forced to copulation with some randos, which happened again to him, but fortunately, miya-chii was there to save him from his trauma. Miya-chii is way too independent, he doesn't want anybody to see right through him, but kudo wants to unveil everything about miya-chii, to understand him and give him happiness c12.7THE LITTLE PAT ON THE BACK FROM THE BABY IS SO DAM CUTE IM CRYING
If You Want Me